Express: Submaster Problem


Has anyone Encountered this issue?:  Assigning a Sub and when you manual bring up the slider none of the channels assigned to it react.  This is the first time this has happend so not sure why its not working.

This is How I addressed the Sub.

 Sub-master Page 1:  [Channel] 81 [Thur] 86 @ 50% [enter] <record> [Sub 1] <Bump1>
Also Tried: [Channel] 81 [Thur] 86 @ 50% <record> [Sub 1] <Enter>
tried this in Stage and in Blind Mode no luck.. :(

Then Bump LED is Lit however when I press the bump or bring the slider up I get nothing.

Anyone know why this may be happening? I have tried Resetting Console to Factory Defaults, no luck.

I know the Fixtures work, because when I individually Assign them [channel] 81 [Thur] 86 @ 50% <enter> on the key pad, They respond no problems.


Thanks in advance,

[edited by: Kent@Uvic at 5:25 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jan 8 2011]