Modify a Group of fixtures


I have a group of fixtures (6 desk chan) and in my second cue in my first cuelist I record this group with a intensity of 30%.

Well, now in this cue, I want to change the group... I don't want to have my 6 desk chan, but just the 3 first. So I modify My group... But in the cue all the 6 fixtures stay with the intensity.

And I don't have just a cue with this 6 fixtures, but 80. And I don't want to re-program all the 80 cue...

What's the solution ?

  • "record remove" and cloning are the most powerful tools on the hog2 - at least in my opinion ;)
    If you have live shows (i.e. festival situations) and want cuelists for the colors on the wing, 2 for the spots (odd/even or something like that) and 2 for the washers, just make one list with all movinglights in them (which is done very easy when you have good palettes ;) ), label the cues, copy it 4 times and select all Washers but the first group. Hit PIG+ACTIVE to get all parameters in the programmer, select the first cuelist and type "record remove 1 thru enter". This will kick out all the lamps you had in the programmer. Do this 4 times for your for groups and you have perfect cuelists. Always keep your "master list" with all colors in case you want to change the grouping later. This saves a lot of time... do the same for moves, positions etc...

  • "record remove" and cloning are the most powerful tools on the hog2 - at least in my opinion ;)
    If you have live shows (i.e. festival situations) and want cuelists for the colors on the wing, 2 for the spots (odd/even or something like that) and 2 for the washers, just make one list with all movinglights in them (which is done very easy when you have good palettes ;) ), label the cues, copy it 4 times and select all Washers but the first group. Hit PIG+ACTIVE to get all parameters in the programmer, select the first cuelist and type "record remove 1 thru enter". This will kick out all the lamps you had in the programmer. Do this 4 times for your for groups and you have perfect cuelists. Always keep your "master list" with all colors in case you want to change the grouping later. This saves a lot of time... do the same for moves, positions etc...

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