Hi folks:
I have gotten a couple pixel range arc r heads to play with -- they are really cool but im having a terrible time getting them on the board properly -- i can make them work as a group of desk channels, but thats a bit clunky. they each have 4 channels (dmx addresses) Red, Green Blue and Amber in that order -- I called tech support for some help and the guy recomended the Thomas Pixel Par 4 cell item in the fixture schedule. Unfortunatly, once i got it patched and generated auto menues, nothing happens -- no color pallet and i cant get them to come on -- my hog 3 upgrade is ordered (finally) and on its way (should be here next week) but id like to use these guys on sunday if i can -- can someone suggest a way to make them work properly?
I tried the fixture library builder but im getting easilly confused by that and the section of the manual that covers building a fixture library is not yet done
Im on the hog 2 pc