Pixel Range ARC R

Hi folks:

I have gotten a couple pixel range arc r heads to play with -- they are really cool but im having a terrible time getting them on the board properly -- i can make them work as a group of desk channels, but thats a bit clunky. they each have 4 channels (dmx addresses) Red, Green Blue and Amber in that order -- I called tech support for some help and the guy recomended the Thomas Pixel Par 4 cell item in the fixture schedule. Unfortunatly, once i got it patched and generated auto menues, nothing happens -- no color pallet and i cant get them to come on -- my hog 3 upgrade is ordered (finally) and on its way (should be here next week) but id like to use these guys on sunday if i can -- can someone suggest a way to make them work properly?

I tried the fixture library builder but im getting easilly confused by that and the section of the manual that covers building a fixture library is not yet done

Im on the hog 2 pc


  • Don't forget, when you're at your computer: the Hog2 manual was installed with the program. You'll find it in the same place you find your show files on your hard drive. If all else fails, grab one at www.flyingpig.com/support/hog2/manuals/hog2_v4.pdf

    Recording palettes is simple- select the fixtures in the programmer and manipulate your color channels on the encoder wheels until you have the desired output. Press Record and select any empty box inside the color directory. You can name it using the set key. When you want to call up your custom colors, select the lights and touch the palette. The section called "Groups and Palettes" in the manual will explain this better (somewhere around page 47).

    I hope that was what you were asking about. If not, just tell us specifically what you are looking for.

    Cat West
    High End Systems
  • Don't forget, when you're at your computer: the Hog2 manual was installed with the program. You'll find it in the same place you find your show files on your hard drive. If all else fails, grab one at www.flyingpig.com/support/hog2/manuals/hog2_v4.pdf

    Recording palettes is simple- select the fixtures in the programmer and manipulate your color channels on the encoder wheels until you have the desired output. Press Record and select any empty box inside the color directory. You can name it using the set key. When you want to call up your custom colors, select the lights and touch the palette. The section called "Groups and Palettes" in the manual will explain this better (somewhere around page 47).

    I hope that was what you were asking about. If not, just tell us specifically what you are looking for.

    Cat West
    High End Systems
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