hog II full lit display

large display has all dots "on". Backlight is working I have tried to adjust contrast. Small lcd displays will adjust. Opened console and checked all connections. Power supply voltages are there. Reloaded os and it did not help.
Has anyone had this problem?
  • What do you mean small LCD's will adjust? Are you referring to a Hog 1000 instead? The Hog II has the two same sized touch-screens.

    Anyway, I know the displays on ours will flip out sometimes if they're exposed to heat or sunlight. Maybe it got hit too?
  • I'm sorry it is a 1000. Small lcd contrast does adjust but large screen is blank, but backlit. Board was in shop and was being programmed then just went blank. When i unplugged ribbon cable segments will go dark or light as cable is moved but no letters or numbers.
  • Your display may need replacing. How old is the console?
    It could be something on the PCB but it is usually the display causing the problem.
  • Hey Mitch,
    This unit is a Echelon 1K. I'm not sure of it's age.Is the display available?
    If so how much is it?
  • Hello, if it is an Echelon it is fairly old and the display needing to be repaced at this age is not uncommon. The displays have changed since and replacing the display requires changing the Program PCB as well in older consoles.

    You can see a tech note on the Jands site at the link below. We have the ZLC 1210 displays in stock but you may need to change the Program PCB as well depending on what is currently installed in your console.

    I do not know if Jands can still supply the ZLC 1200 or not, but we have not had them for a few years.
