I have some LED Par 64's. When I go into the Patch menu and edit a fixture, the LED cans flicker everytime I press the arrows to move across the screen. Anyone know what that is about?
I'm actually using a Hog500 (I meant Hog II OS) so I am using the patch button
It actually happens when I save as well (when I hit 'OK' to save) also when I hit 'add fixture' and when I hit 'ok' to exit the 'set up - shows' menu (but not going into it)
I'm actually using a Hog500 (I meant Hog II OS) so I am using the patch button
It actually happens when I save as well (when I hit 'OK' to save) also when I hit 'add fixture' and when I hit 'ok' to exit the 'set up - shows' menu (but not going into it)