WH2 Library generator help

I've written a fixture library for a new Chauvet moving light (which is actually pretty decent for $999)
I've got everything working, but some of the parameters are in weird places, and I"m having a problem with 'fine pan/tilt'
I'm hoping someone can help.

First, the 'fine pan tilt' is coming up as a seperate parameter on the next page of wheels, and does not work as 'pig + pan wheel = fine pan' which is what I want. the wheels are laid out like this: pan, tilt, fine pan, fine tilt

second, i'm wondering if there is a way to choose which wheels a parameter shows up on? basically I want the 'position' wheels to be laid out as: Intensity, pan, tilt (with pig + pan or tilt yielding fine pan/tilt

here is the library:

version = 40
Count = 1

fixture = Intimida
manufacturer = 104
product = 6
name = Intimidator 250
yoke = yes

//Created using Denis Hessberger's Wholehog2 Library Generator application!
output = dmx

parameter = Pan
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Tilt
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Panfine
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Tiltfine
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = P/t speed
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Color
kind = c
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 7,Open
range = 8, 15,Blue Lt
range = 16, 23,Red
range = 24, 31,Peachblo
range = 32, 39,Green
range = 40, 47,Yellow
range = 48, 55,Pink
range = 56, 63,UV
range = 64, 66,Open
range = 67, 78,Open+Blu
range = 79, 92,Blue+Red
range = 93, 107,Red+Peac
range = 108, 120,Peach+Gr
range = 121, 136,Gren+Yel
range = 137, 152,Yel+Pink
range = 153, 170,Pink+UV
range = 171, 212,Rotate>
range = 213, 255,Rotate<

parameter = Gobo
kind = b
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 9,Open
range = 10, 19,Moonhalf
range = 20, 29,Star
range = 30, 39,Circle
range = 40, 49,Triangle
range = 50, 59,Spiral
range = 60, 69,Glass 1
range = 70, 79,Glass 2
range = 80, 99,G1 Shake, noauto
range = 100, 119,G2 Shake, noauto
range = 120, 139,G3 Shake, noauto
range = 140, 159,G4 Shake, noauto
range = 160, 179,G5 Shake, noauto
range = 180, 199,G6 Shake, noauto
range = 200, 219,G7 Shake, noauto
range = 220, 255,Rollgobo, noauto

parameter = Gobo Rotate
kind = b
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 10,Stop, noauto
range = 11, 127,Indexing, noauto
range = 128, 191,Rotate
range = 192, 255,Rotate >, noauto

parameter = Shutter
kind = i
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 7,Shutter, noauto
range = 8, 22,Open, noauto
range = 23, 85,Strobe, noauto
range = 86, 100,Open, noauto
range = 101, 165,Pulse, noauto
range = 166, 180,Open, noauto
range = 181, 246,Random, noauto
range = 247, 255,Open, noauto

parameter = Dimmer
kind = i
default = 0
highlight = 100
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Function
kind = i
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 9,Nofuncti, noauto
range = 10, 14,P/T MIB, noauto
range = 15, 19,MIBdisab, noauto
range = 20, 24,Col MIB, noauto
range = 25, 29,CmibDisa, noauto
range = 30, 34,GoboMIB, noauto
range = 35, 39,GmibDisa, noauto
range = 40, 44,All MIB, noauto
range = 45, 49,AllmibDi, noauto
range = 50, 54,P/Treset, noauto
range = 55, 59,ColReset, noauto
range = 60, 64,GobReset, noauto
range = 65, 69,ShutRset, noauto
range = 70, 74,FocReset, noauto
range = 75, 79,PriReset, noauto
range = 80, 89,ResetAll, noauto
range = 90, 111,Nofuncti, noauto
range = 112, 119,Lamp Off, noauto
range = 120, 127,Lamp On, noauto
range = 128, 129,NoFuncti, noauto
range = 130, 192,Autoprog, noauto
range = 193, 255,Soundpro, noauto

parameter = Effect
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 9,Nofuncti, noauto
range = 10, 19,Effect 1, noauto
range = 20, 29,Effect 2, noauto
range = 30, 39,Effect 3, noauto
range = 40, 49,Effect 4, noauto
range = 50, 59,Effect 5, noauto
range = 60, 69,Effect 6, noauto
range = 70, 79,Effect 7, noauto
range = 80, 89,Effect 8, noauto
range = 90, 99,Effect 9, noauto
range = 100, 109,Effect10, noauto
range = 110, 119,Effect11, noauto
range = 120, 129,Effect12, noauto
range = 130, 139,Effect13, noauto
range = 140, 149,Effect14, noauto
range = 150, 159,Effect15, noauto
range = 160, 169,Effect16, noauto
range = 170, 179,Effect17, noauto
range = 180, 189,Effect18, noauto
range = 190, 199,Effect19, noauto
range = 200, 209,Effect20, noauto
range = 210, 219,Effect21, noauto
range = 220, 229,Effect22, noauto
range = 230, 239,Effect23, noauto
range = 240, 249,Effect24, noauto
range = 250, 255,Effect25, noauto

parameter = Prism
kind = b
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 15,Open, noauto
range = 16, 239,Rotate, noauto
range = 240, 255,Stop, noauto

parameter = Focus
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
  • [quote=lightbright;42799]I went back and looked at the dmx chart for the fixture. I made a mistake in the library, the fixture does actually have 16bit pan tilt. but the channels are in the correct order so I guess it still won't work.

    Its a new fixture Chauvet is debuting at LDI, we picked up 6 of them at a really good price. I've only turned them on once, but my first impression is pretty good for a 250w fixture in the $1k range.

    If I hear you right, and the channel on the fixture DMX layout are in the correct order, as per Brad, then you *CAN* get what you want. I think what you are not realizing is that using 16 bit parameters on a Hog does *NOT* get you a fine and a coarse wheel for the parameters, but rather a single wheel with 16 bit resolution, and the ability to hit pig and access fine mode.

    For this type of operation, your Hog personality would look like this for pan and tilt:

    parameter = Pan
    default = 32768
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = Tilt
    default = 32768
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    - Tim
  • [quote=lightbright;42799]I went back and looked at the dmx chart for the fixture. I made a mistake in the library, the fixture does actually have 16bit pan tilt. but the channels are in the correct order so I guess it still won't work.

    Its a new fixture Chauvet is debuting at LDI, we picked up 6 of them at a really good price. I've only turned them on once, but my first impression is pretty good for a 250w fixture in the $1k range.

    If I hear you right, and the channel on the fixture DMX layout are in the correct order, as per Brad, then you *CAN* get what you want. I think what you are not realizing is that using 16 bit parameters on a Hog does *NOT* get you a fine and a coarse wheel for the parameters, but rather a single wheel with 16 bit resolution, and the ability to hit pig and access fine mode.

    For this type of operation, your Hog personality would look like this for pan and tilt:

    parameter = Pan
    default = 32768
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = Tilt
    default = 32768
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    - Tim
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