HOG 1K Library Generator

Hello world

I'm new at this so go easy hope you can help

I have a hog 1k I'm using Denis Hessberger's Library Generator for the first time .or trying too .

the lights I'm using are Cindy X-250LED ( cheap chinese mover ) I have the user Manual.
now ' when I open the Generator it comes up with the box asking for the Manufacturers code and Product Number . I rang the supplier to obtain this information and they say Cindylight and X-250 respectively .

But I find that the Lib Gen box to enter this information in to only except numbers and not letters ???

so how do I proceed from here ?
Do I have the wrong numbers/names ?
Is there a better way to do this ? any ideas would be much appreciated

cheers Big ears
  • If it's an unknown brand, you use "99" indicating that you created it, and then pick a fixture type number that is unique within 99, and that suits your fancy.

    The names are whatever you want on screen, and once again, have zero to do with function, so you could use "Cindylight" and "X-250" or whatever as mfg. and name, or whatever suits you . . . if you decide later that you hate the thing, "TheftCo" and "ChinCrap" will work equally well :-) :-)

    The numbers are only internal indexes in the Hog, and mean nothing to functionality - you define that yourself . . .

    - Tim
  • thank you for taking the time to reply much appreciated . I don't really know how to move forward from there . Do you know if there are any instructions on line or some manual I can download .

    thanks again

    ps I should point out I'm new to the Hog and the moving light ( you may have worked that one out). :)
  • There is some information on creating library entries in the Hog 500/1000 manual, but the best information is the Hog-2 manual (downloadable from High End Systems), which covers it in great painful detail. I have not done much with the generator myself - I find that hand building the files is easy enough to not make it worth the time. However, by simply following the links on the High End support site to the authors site (for the generator) this is available:


    Not sure how much that will help, but if you understand the concept of creating a Hog-2 library from the Hog 2 manual, the generator should seem pretty clear.

    The bottom line is that nothing will automagically create an entry for you - you *MUST* know the DMX layout for your fixture, and subsequently enter it correctly, either into the file, or the generator tool. The generator is mainly a way to avoid text editing, and the risk of syntax errors that comes with it - ultimately, the product of either method is the same - a text file that must be added to your _lib.lib file on the Hog show disk to add the fixture to the console, and then you must patch it just like any other fixture.

    Also beware that some of the Chinese stuff is so bad that the DMX channel layout cannot be run on a Hog 2 family console . . . .

    - Tim
  • Thanks Tim for your help :cool: .I will have a play over the next couple of weeks .

    cheers bigears