question about Whole Hog III

How can i do a "MARK CUE" in the WH III like in the Hog 250/500/1000 ???
  • David & Amir,

    Mark cues are a big priority to us because they are Hog 2 functionality that is missing from Hog 3. Currently, we're working on some important improvements to performance and stability, in addition to connectivity between the console and PC products.

    Our new mark cue functionality is detailed in feature requests 1209 and 6001. I can't give you any of the good details yet, but I can tell you that what we're planning will be a very powerful tool. It is also near the top of our list of planned enhancements. I can't tell you when it will be completed, but rest assured we haven't forgotten about it.

  • David & Amir,

    Mark cues are a big priority to us because they are Hog 2 functionality that is missing from Hog 3. Currently, we're working on some important improvements to performance and stability, in addition to connectivity between the console and PC products.

    Our new mark cue functionality is detailed in feature requests 1209 and 6001. I can't give you any of the good details yet, but I can tell you that what we're planning will be a very powerful tool. It is also near the top of our list of planned enhancements. I can't tell you when it will be completed, but rest assured we haven't forgotten about it.

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