Mark cues are almost always important when working with any light that has more than one parameter. You often need to preset your non-intensity parameters before you bring up the intensity of the light.
All that is being discussed here is an automatic mark cue feature.
Many programmers (myself included) choose to write their own mark cues. This allows me to control what is marking, when it's marking, and the time it's marking in. It also allows me to use a consistent numbering scheme so that all of my mark cues are easily identifyable in the cuelist window.
Personally, I always make Intensity Palette 1 a palette with every fixture in my show at 0% intensity and I call this palette MARK. That way, I can put lights in this palette in my mark cues and when I'm looking through my output window trying to grab some available lights to do something, I don't cause myself hassles by grabbing lights that are marking to do something in an upcoming cue.
As Brad mentioned, we have discussed the functionality of the automatic mark cue and it is on the list of features to be added.
I am really curious how far down the line the mark cue fuction is, and when it is going to be added. If I remember right thier was a post on the LN that said HES was working on it and it was going to be much more powerfull. Does anyone know the status of this feature for the III.
Ye, i agrie abuot the Mark Q but...Hah this thread start by me a year ago with my first user name ! where did you find this ?!?! :18: this was my first post here!
Mark cues are a big priority to us because they are Hog 2 functionality that is missing from Hog 3. Currently, we're working on some important improvements to performance and stability, in addition to connectivity between the console and PC products.
Our new mark cue functionality is detailed in feature requests 1209 and 6001. I can't give you any of the good details yet, but I can tell you that what we're planning will be a very powerful tool. It is also near the top of our list of planned enhancements. I can't tell you when it will be completed, but rest assured we haven't forgotten about it.
You open a cue and in one or two tabs (like values, fade, fade etc.) you have list of incoming and outcoing fixtures and you just select them and console takes care of the rest, preparing incoming fixtures and delaying outgoing. The list of course updates if you add fixtures to previous or following cue. There could be auto option or manual where you can select fixtures you want... This could be of course more advanced if you could select individual parameters or parameters groups, though it could be a bit tricky to make it simple and fast to use...
As a long time Hog III user, I personally have gotten quite used to not having the "mark cue" function and actually it really doesn't even bother me anymore. You sort of get used to having to do it yourself and really, anymore the "mark cue" feels like a crutch. I find myself not even using it on the shows I do on a hog II now!
I can live without them also...but if there would be somekind of solution of this? I would like it to work for incoming and outgoing, like in my previous post. Also I prefer a more "transparent" solutions like GMAs MIB or Compus Look ahead.
just see this now but i really like Sami idea, in fact i think this is a great idea.
Hey Sami, i think we should called it a "Blackout Cue", what do you think about insart a Blackout Cue just like you insert a mark cue in Hog II (Pig+Blackout) ?
Could be something like that... any solution would be nice :) It is sometimes annoying to delay parameters for outgoing fixtures until intensity is down. But like I said it would be nicer to have no cues at all...just open your cue and incoming and outgoing fixtures are sorted in their own tabs where you can select if you want to mark/preposition incoming fixtures and delay outgoing fixtures
Cue 7 Sync ____ Load ____ Stop ____ Fade Out. Pl/F-In [LIST=1] Load Sync Play-Loop/Fade-up Fade-down Stop LoadAs you can see, this is feaking nuts!!! But it is what I have to do to have flawlessly running content running. Actually I do it all in a few cues with delay times but OMG is that a brain killer when you're trying to remember what is what. I don't just need Mark Cues, I need "Load" cues too.
With about 30 movers, I could program a big show from scratch in about 4 hours. With Catalyst now, I'm lucky if I can do 40 or 50 cues in 4 hours. Anything! That will help this I would love!
How about making that "MARK CUE" function in Hog 3 diverse so I can use it to create syncs. Why you're at it, how about a feature that inserts a proportionate follow time (I hate having to open the editor to find my delay and fade times and then adding them up to create a follow time. Oh! and how about Macro follow times? How about a fade time on the FADE MASTER macro?