clone values/effects from another parameter

I am missing the possibility to have a value of one parameter cloned to another one.
Very simple example: I have a bunch of washers with a sine on the cyan-wheel in the programmer and want to clone the exact effect on the magenta-wheel (including the offset of the lamps).
A new function or me not finding the right chapter in the manual?

A possible Syntax could be
"PIG+touch cyan wheel", COPY, "PIG+touch magenta wheel"
or something like that...
  • Pridery , the problem about built a chase with Pallets it's related to Chase it self .

    FX engine it's good cuz it's fast , as jankirchhoff say it's only a problem of time-consuming . So I keep agree that we need a really good FX engine with more option to work in it .

    Any Way Prid I thanks you very much for you suggestion and as you know I'll keep it with me if I'll not found a way to do what I need with FXe .

    Here the whole point it's about FX , making cue list it's not easy as making FX . I'm not talking only about HOW TO DO IT , it's also releted to Play Back season .

    Even if we build a complex cool deleyed chase and we run that from macro , we still have the MACRO TRACKING problem . As you know if we apply a macro to CUE 10 GL 101 and then we jump to CUE 40 , where there is not RL 101 the Macro it's not easy to work with .

    One of my dream since Hog II was EXPORT to FX , that mean :

    Create what ever QL

    Push EXPORT to FX

    " render " that QL to a Complex FX wave table .

  • Pridery , the problem about built a chase with Pallets it's related to Chase it self .

    FX engine it's good cuz it's fast , as jankirchhoff say it's only a problem of time-consuming . So I keep agree that we need a really good FX engine with more option to work in it .

    Any Way Prid I thanks you very much for you suggestion and as you know I'll keep it with me if I'll not found a way to do what I need with FXe .

    Here the whole point it's about FX , making cue list it's not easy as making FX . I'm not talking only about HOW TO DO IT , it's also releted to Play Back season .

    Even if we build a complex cool deleyed chase and we run that from macro , we still have the MACRO TRACKING problem . As you know if we apply a macro to CUE 10 GL 101 and then we jump to CUE 40 , where there is not RL 101 the Macro it's not easy to work with .

    One of my dream since Hog II was EXPORT to FX , that mean :

    Create what ever QL

    Push EXPORT to FX

    " render " that QL to a Complex FX wave table .

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