clone values/effects from another parameter

I am missing the possibility to have a value of one parameter cloned to another one.
Very simple example: I have a bunch of washers with a sine on the cyan-wheel in the programmer and want to clone the exact effect on the magenta-wheel (including the offset of the lamps).
A new function or me not finding the right chapter in the manual?

A possible Syntax could be
"PIG+touch cyan wheel", COPY, "PIG+touch magenta wheel"
or something like that...
  • I also think that this function is very convenient.
    However, I think that it becomes a problem if it copies it from the parameter of variable onto the slot.
  • I agree 100 % with you .

    I use a trick to do this that it's not very convenient but it work if you have a very clear idea of how to use the off sets .

    Basicly I select all the fixuters

    Apply a Mark On wave to the all parameters ( all of them I P C B )

    Set the off set globaly by typing it in the offset cell in the FX EDITOR ( for example ( 0>360 )

    Store that as FX ( USE I P C B T FX ) store every thing into the FX pallette .

    As soon you need that FX's offset " pallette " you can apply that FX to a group of fixture type

    Remove the paramenters that you don't need
    so for example if you need only I remove the other paramenters

    Then selected the right Wave ( sine cos or any wave you want ) to the remaning paramenters


    As you may understand this is a completly BLIND operation , because applying a MARK OFF ( or any other Wave ) to all IPCB fixtures you will not see a very good resoult Live on stage , but I repeat , if you know exactly with are the right off set to apply to the fixtures , you can use this as a kind of Offset pallette .

    But for sure will be easyer to copy/clone all of this paramenters using a CMD Line sintax , or by using just COPY and PASTE on right click on the selected parameters .
  • of course it doesn't make sense to copy cyan-wheel-effect onto a colorwheel with fixed colors (that's what you meant, Akito, right?).

    One could built fx-palettes with all parameters in them, but as you wrote yourself, it's not really an option.
    The every-day-problem is that you set up an effect during programming, fine-tune and save it and then the client wanting exactly the opposite colors the next day. Not a big problem if you used a cuelist and worked with delay-times (so you only need to load maybe 10 cues and exchange a color), but many times using the fx-engine is enough and it's so easy - except that you have to start from scratch when you have to change cyan to magenta.
    And nobody who is not a lighting-programmer can understand why this should be difficult or time-consuming to have this effect running on the stage just in red instead of blue.

  • Another way of looking at this is if the Effects engine also dealt with pallettes. So for instance, you could select your 2, 3, 4 etc pallettes, and run an effect over them.

    For example, a red/white chase would be composed of those two pallettes - 'RED' and 'WHITE'. Then you apply the wave (sine, step etc), and select the size, rate offset as you would normally. If you then want a blue/white chase, simply change the pallette selection from 'RED' to 'BLUE'. This of course would apply to any parameter (IPCB) not just colour.

    All you are doing is telling the lights to go between different states - you decide what those states are (For anyone who has used a Virtuoso, this will be familiar), but combining it with the power of the effects engine.

  • Pridery , the problem about built a chase with Pallets it's related to Chase it self .

    FX engine it's good cuz it's fast , as jankirchhoff say it's only a problem of time-consuming . So I keep agree that we need a really good FX engine with more option to work in it .

    Any Way Prid I thanks you very much for you suggestion and as you know I'll keep it with me if I'll not found a way to do what I need with FXe .

    Here the whole point it's about FX , making cue list it's not easy as making FX . I'm not talking only about HOW TO DO IT , it's also releted to Play Back season .

    Even if we build a complex cool deleyed chase and we run that from macro , we still have the MACRO TRACKING problem . As you know if we apply a macro to CUE 10 GL 101 and then we jump to CUE 40 , where there is not RL 101 the Macro it's not easy to work with .

    One of my dream since Hog II was EXPORT to FX , that mean :

    Create what ever QL

    Push EXPORT to FX

    " render " that QL to a Complex FX wave table .

  • Ciao Emiliano,

    I actually didn't mean building a cuelist. I only suggested that within the effects engine we have an option that select pallettes, rather than individual parameters - to apply a wave over. The efect created could still be stored as an effect (in the effects Palletes) or as an individual cue.

  • i love all this dynamic thinking!

    but back to the original cyan sine versus magenta sine issue.

    cells in the Effects Engine viewport can be copied and pasted via a right-click context menu.

    drag across all the cyan attributes, right-click > copy.
    drag across all the magenta attributes, right-click > paste.
    knockout cyan, update, and party on.
  • Quinn , you may talking about HOG III PC ? I could not found PASTE in hog III os yet .

    Croeso Pryd . you are 100% right we need to built FX by using Pallette .

    That's why I beleive that FX Editor UI need to be re-design .

  • I have logged the original suggestion to allow copying between parameters as item #9055.

  • [quote=Pryderi]Another way of looking at this is if the Effects engine also dealt with pallettes. So for instance, you could select your 2, 3, 4 etc pallettes, and run an effect over them.

    For example, a red/white chase would be composed of those two pallettes - 'RED' and 'WHITE'. Then you apply the wave (sine, step etc), and select the size, rate offset as you would normally. If you then want a blue/white chase, simply change the pallette selection from 'RED' to 'BLUE'. This of course would apply to any parameter (IPCB) not just colour.

    All you are doing is telling the lights to go between different states - you decide what those states are (For anyone who has used a Virtuoso, this will be familiar), but combining it with the power of the effects engine.


    This could be an automatic chase builder function. Select fixtures and instruct chase builder to create a 4 part soft/hard chase with A and B values, where A and B equal pallets and a relevant cue list is created. This way you have the controls to fully manipulate all aspects at a later stage. The whole process would be a little like creating a macro.

  • Hi Ross,
    I already thought about some kind of a Chase builder too. I thought of it like some kind of Wizard (Microsoft's favorite word a few years ago), which would then create the cuelist. You may select between the usual Chaser stuff we often create. Something like:
    1) How many steps
    2) what parameters should chase
    3) from x to y
    4) What chase, 1 after another, half/half, or whatever
    5) which "chase effect" to use (snap, sine)
    Snap : Cue 1 = 0%
    Cue 2 = 100%
    Cue 3 = 0% , then shift right 1 position
    Sine : cue1=0%,2 more 3 more 4=100% and back
    If anybody find this idea usefull, I will try to work this out further, about the user interaction.
    I guess it should only act as a creation wizard, it will create the cuelist with the given data and quits. You can then change the cuelist using the standard tools only. So it may be possible to plug it into the existing model.
  • Hi Tom,
    My thoughts exactly. Something to eliminate the number crunching in the way the effects engine has done for other tasks.

  • Those ideas sound great. I totally agree with Tom that it should only be a "wizard" that creates a cuelist for you with the right cues, fade- and delay times... and the possibility to save a setting and later on use a setup again just with a different group of lamps.

    btw: it would be nice if there was a possibility to import cuelists and groups... kind of a Excel-Import. I would never create a list in excel, but people (including me) could write third-party-software for special tasks (i.e. to control a matrix) and the resulting lists could be imported... i.e. on a networked laptop that is running hog3pc and connected to the console.
  • [QUOTE=aphylotus]Hi Ross,
    I already thought about some kind of a Chase builder too. I thought of it like some kind of Wizard (Microsoft's favorite word a few years ago), which would then create the cuelist. You may select between the usual Chaser stuff we often create. Something like:
    1) How many steps
    2) what parameters should chase
    3) from x to y
    4) What chase, 1 after another, half/half, or whatever
    5) which "chase effect" to use (snap, sine)
    Snap : Cue 1 = 0%
    Cue 2 = 100%
    Cue 3 = 0% , then shift right 1 position
    Sine : cue1=0%,2 more 3 more 4=100% and back
    If anybody find this idea usefull, I will try to work this out further, about the user interaction.
    I guess it should only act as a creation wizard, it will create the cuelist with the given data and quits. You can then change the cuelist using the standard tools only. So it may be possible to plug it into the existing model.

    Maybe add the facility to save your 'builder' as a template as well? So you can 'build' a 'chase builder' that does certain functions which don't change e.g. sine / step, the way the chase starts (all fixtures in one state, or do they follow each other in a wave etc.). You run that template, and only change the groups or the pallettes you want.

  • Then it would be something similar to the effects system, a palette entry which can applied to the selected items and the parameters can be changed live, or saved as a palette.

    I guess then it will be hard to "export" this to a cuelist. I think having it built a cuelist is good for the start, you can then alter the content in it quite easily, and if it accepts palettes as a from to parameter it should also be easy to change it.

    But having the builder parameters itself which can be saved and retrieved quickly will speed the creation up again.