clone values/effects from another parameter

I am missing the possibility to have a value of one parameter cloned to another one.
Very simple example: I have a bunch of washers with a sine on the cyan-wheel in the programmer and want to clone the exact effect on the magenta-wheel (including the offset of the lamps).
A new function or me not finding the right chapter in the manual?

A possible Syntax could be
"PIG+touch cyan wheel", COPY, "PIG+touch magenta wheel"
or something like that...
  • Those ideas sound great. I totally agree with Tom that it should only be a "wizard" that creates a cuelist for you with the right cues, fade- and delay times... and the possibility to save a setting and later on use a setup again just with a different group of lamps.

    btw: it would be nice if there was a possibility to import cuelists and groups... kind of a Excel-Import. I would never create a list in excel, but people (including me) could write third-party-software for special tasks (i.e. to control a matrix) and the resulting lists could be imported... i.e. on a networked laptop that is running hog3pc and connected to the console.
  • Those ideas sound great. I totally agree with Tom that it should only be a "wizard" that creates a cuelist for you with the right cues, fade- and delay times... and the possibility to save a setting and later on use a setup again just with a different group of lamps.

    btw: it would be nice if there was a possibility to import cuelists and groups... kind of a Excel-Import. I would never create a list in excel, but people (including me) could write third-party-software for special tasks (i.e. to control a matrix) and the resulting lists could be imported... i.e. on a networked laptop that is running hog3pc and connected to the console.
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