Please give us back FX live Speed Change

Dear All,

what I'm hardly missing and all time requesting since release of Hog 3 is the aibility to change speed of an fx recorded in a cue.

On Hog 2 it was possible to run a fx out of a cue and speed could be edited by keeping choose pressed and adjust the Single Cue Rate (Mid Wheel).

Especially in Festival and one off Situation this was a really powerful tool for everybody to fastly adjust the movements, chases, faders and whatever you're currently running out of your cue list.

But this is actually (since Release) only available for Chases.

An Alternative for me would be also the Grand MA/Avo Style (No, I don't use these desks) to use a second fader and specify him as Speed Controller for desired lists cues.
This blocks one additional fader so I would prefer the old Hog 2 Style.

I'm sure that many people can second my wish.


Rolf Wenzel
  • Hey Donald,

    to have this with scenes would be a beginning but not really what I'm looking for.
    I give an example:
    In Festival Siuation I typically got a Cuelist with several Cues each FX Moves in it (eg. Cue 1 can can fast, Cue 2 Can can slow, Cue 3 Circle Slow and so on)
    Anyway if I got already different sppeds in it I was able in Hog II to start the desired cue and then keeping choose pressed I could adjust the speed of the single cue by changing the value of the single Cue rate.
    This allowed to adjust the speed to the song which recently was played.

    Same was done with Intensitx FX, Colour and so on.

    In Festival Situation you're happy if you can do a band with just one page on desk and expansion/playback wings. So it would be great to have just one Fader with FX Movements, one with Intenities and so on.

    That's why it would be still really helpful to have this feature for cuelists


  • Hey Donald,

    to have this with scenes would be a beginning but not really what I'm looking for.
    I give an example:
    In Festival Siuation I typically got a Cuelist with several Cues each FX Moves in it (eg. Cue 1 can can fast, Cue 2 Can can slow, Cue 3 Circle Slow and so on)
    Anyway if I got already different sppeds in it I was able in Hog II to start the desired cue and then keeping choose pressed I could adjust the speed of the single cue by changing the value of the single Cue rate.
    This allowed to adjust the speed to the song which recently was played.

    Same was done with Intensitx FX, Colour and so on.

    In Festival Situation you're happy if you can do a band with just one page on desk and expansion/playback wings. So it would be great to have just one Fader with FX Movements, one with Intenities and so on.

    That's why it would be still really helpful to have this feature for cuelists


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