Please give us back FX live Speed Change

Dear All,

what I'm hardly missing and all time requesting since release of Hog 3 is the aibility to change speed of an fx recorded in a cue.

On Hog 2 it was possible to run a fx out of a cue and speed could be edited by keeping choose pressed and adjust the Single Cue Rate (Mid Wheel).

Especially in Festival and one off Situation this was a really powerful tool for everybody to fastly adjust the movements, chases, faders and whatever you're currently running out of your cue list.

But this is actually (since Release) only available for Chases.

An Alternative for me would be also the Grand MA/Avo Style (No, I don't use these desks) to use a second fader and specify him as Speed Controller for desired lists cues.
This blocks one additional fader so I would prefer the old Hog 2 Style.

I'm sure that many people can second my wish.


Rolf Wenzel
  • Hi Rolf,

    I already talked about this, yes I agree with the idea of the 2nd wheel for speed, the fader issue also okay, but the fact we do not have that amount of faders, the idea with the wheel is perfect. Perhaps also a whatsoever keycombination like "Choose" & "Play" to be able to "tap" the rythm.

    The "workaround" with the Scene / IPCB Faders which alter the parameters of the Effects might be in the same direction as the Avolite stuff ?

    While we are there, why not using the 3rd wheel to change the size of the effect. I think this would also be nice.
  • I have to second tom's suggestions
    (one wheel for fx-speed, another one for the size). Especially if you were able to use that for virtual cuelists, too!

    But I also like the MA-style with a speed-fader and the possibility to control the speed of a bunch of effects with just one fader for a live show.

    But it shouldn't be a problem to implement both functions...?

  • Rolf,

    I've added your comments regarding Single Cue / FX Rate not being implemented to bug #3103. Unfortunately I don't have a great alternative until that gets resolved. As Tom W mentioned, you can put your effects in a scene with an IPCB fader for some added control, but this still doesn't give you quick access to any and all effects that may be running on a given list.
  • :notworthy: It would also be great to have the rate mapped to the left-hand "rate wheel" as well (Obviously :dunce: ), so you can quickly return to the originally recorded speed.

    Also then maybe by holding down one of those as-yet-unused buttons above and below the rate wheel you could then access things like size, length, and offset.

    The buttons should also be configurable as either "latching" or "momentary"....I'm thinking latching would be best, but maybe someone will want it to go away when they take their finger off.

    These would of course need to all be configurable in the user preferences.
  • How acceptable would it be to limit this to a scene v. a cuelist. I don't know H2, so, from the H3 perspective it would seem straightforward to hold down the choose button for a scene on a fader, (right now Rate is mapped to wheel 1, i guess it means nothing to a scene, but...), then map the wheels to as you suggest, fx rate - fx size. We could add fx-offset and fx-length as well I believe.

    Now, if you try to apply this notion to a cuelist it would be much more difficult because of tracking. So, is a scene an appropriate place?

  • Hi Donald,

    I see the tracking issue, for me the scene would be okay, in the cuelist to change it quickly you can touch them into the programmer. But if we change the speed and/or size, will the effect always recalculate and restart (whch is done now when You alter it in the programmer) or will it be smooth ?
  • Oops, I forgot about our problem with restarting after modification: that is not acceptable. That being said, restart is the more difficult part of this equation. I would not want to add the ability to modify scene/effect values unless it was smooth, otherwise, it would look bad.
  • Hey Donald,

    to have this with scenes would be a beginning but not really what I'm looking for.
    I give an example:
    In Festival Siuation I typically got a Cuelist with several Cues each FX Moves in it (eg. Cue 1 can can fast, Cue 2 Can can slow, Cue 3 Circle Slow and so on)
    Anyway if I got already different sppeds in it I was able in Hog II to start the desired cue and then keeping choose pressed I could adjust the speed of the single cue by changing the value of the single Cue rate.
    This allowed to adjust the speed to the song which recently was played.

    Same was done with Intensitx FX, Colour and so on.

    In Festival Situation you're happy if you can do a band with just one page on desk and expansion/playback wings. So it would be great to have just one Fader with FX Movements, one with Intenities and so on.

    That's why it would be still really helpful to have this feature for cuelists


  • Hi Donald,

    yes the restart is often very visible. I often have the situation where I am running an effect, and I need to adjust the size, so I touch the effect into the programmer, and I use the wheels to adjust. If the Effect size is large and the speed is slow, and you are using moving heads, it is very visible :) It would be great to be be able to do this smoothly.

    Are You saving the effect path in an array of values or are You recalculating the f.ex sine curve live ?

    I remember the LightJockeySoftware is able to do it smoothly. I can try to remember check how this is working. I know it saves the effect path in an array, so You can do quite a lot of path modification in it (like the Bezier Path System (my development))
  • We are certainly aware of the problem with effects restarting when changing effects parameters. This is a big annoyance and I guarantee that neither Chris F nor I will let this drop off of the list or get buried. There is probably some big number crunching that will have to be done to get this right, but it is definitely an important issue.
  • Hi tom,

    great to hear, jhust wondering if You are calculating the path in an array. I may try to figure out again how we did it to have it smoothly running.

    We ran the system in an array of X steps, and this one was updated if we changed the calculation. therefore it was also possible to ran structured path in it (like bezier shapes, where You can create circle elipses squares spirals and so on)

    I will get back if I remember how we did it :)
