A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • Dave & Dave,

    I've opened feature request #9095 for a note scratch pad and I've added both of your comments into the bug.

    Dave S,
    I'd like more details about how and why you would want to tie this to a cue's comment field. I see this as being more of a system-wide to-do list for the programmer. I know that I often make notes to-do notes to myself in my cuelist comment boxes when I need to clean up marking and transitions, but I usually make these all caps so that I can easily distinguish them from my normal spot cues and other comments when I'm scanning the list window.
  • Dave & Dave,

    I've opened feature request #9095 for a note scratch pad and I've added both of your comments into the bug.

    Dave S,
    I'd like more details about how and why you would want to tie this to a cue's comment field. I see this as being more of a system-wide to-do list for the programmer. I know that I often make notes to-do notes to myself in my cuelist comment boxes when I need to clean up marking and transitions, but I usually make these all caps so that I can easily distinguish them from my normal spot cues and other comments when I'm scanning the list window.
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