A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • Dave & Dave,

    I've opened feature request #9095 for a note scratch pad and I've added both of your comments into the bug.

    Dave S,
    I'd like more details about how and why you would want to tie this to a cue's comment field. I see this as being more of a system-wide to-do list for the programmer. I know that I often make notes to-do notes to myself in my cuelist comment boxes when I need to clean up marking and transitions, but I usually make these all caps so that I can easily distinguish them from my normal spot cues and other comments when I'm scanning the list window.
  • Dave,

    I have a couple of bugs logged regarding annoyances when editing data in cells.

    Personally, I like the fact that backspacing all the way past all of your text cancels the edit because if I realize I've deleted too many characters I don't have an Esc key on the front panel or any other way to say "Whoops. Cancel that edit." I would actually have to press Enter to complete the edit and then use the Undo key to undo my change.
  • Umm.... The last backspace functioning as an escape is not a bug. It's been that way since the II, and for the reason Tom points out.

    Please keep this one, I'll be in a world of hurt if it goes away :-)
  • Tom,
    Regarding your use of notes as "To Do" reminders, these notes would function more as "Was Done" reminders. I originally had the idea for a simple scratch pad and it was expanded when I thought that attaching notes to cells might be a nice feature. F'rinstance, if channels are patched or unpatched as things are added to the set (multi-channel intensity fixtures vs. desk channels, using dimmers so you just can't add some fixtures to the patch) gel color being changed on lamps for a new scene, more explicit notes from the gaffer regarding a scene, notes on the action during a particular cue (individual shots are generally recorded as individual cues and during action sequences there are often more than one cue for a shot and the 'go' moment is very precise), notes on lamp placement for a particular shot, things like that. Sure, a note sheet could take care of all this, but if the note is specific to a particular cue, then why not attach it?
    Expanding on this, sometimes we'll have many different versions of effects for, say a fire and the nuances are often too subtle to sum up in just a few words on a pallette, so why not attach a note? I know this level of detail sounds nutty and maybe it is but you asked. I think that if a programmer doing a music video wanted the lyrics to the song for quick reference an "attached note" might help, especially with a persist/override option-note closes after cue is run or stays open. (A friend of mine thinks that there should be an onboard PIP video feed input ability, in which case then what the H, why not include a video snapshot mode with the notes! All kidding aside, why not use the PIP for a TelePrompTer feed? Ok, maybe on the WH4.)
  • I also agree with this opinion.
    In addition, I want to change the color of the column of special Cue.
    For instance, Cue that includes RA etc.

    I have heard that I can record the desk light in Cue.
    When does this become possible?
    I think that this is a better way.

  • Guys, an idea came to mind

    I always got the trouble where to put my Setlist. Sometimes I attach it to the Monitors on the side, sometimes i'ts next to mine, but at least the setlist is always in a place where it disturbs something.

    The idea is: What's about a possibility recording setlists on the hog as simple text sheets (eg in a seperate window like Views window) and to overlay them with tranparency (user editable) over one of your screens.

    As example my left touch screen normally got the cue information and chosen cuelist while show is running. For me it would be really cool if I could overlay a setlist in big letters and comments with e.g. 50 % tranparency over this complete window but will still let me access the cues and everything by touching the screen.

    In advance Setlist items can be linked to page changes that means, all the time I change a page the Setlist gets onto the next song with a mark or similar. Also it should be selectable a kind of follow current song.

    What do you think?

  • I like Rolf's idea!:)

    I always end up typing my setlist into my laptop and keeping it right next to the console. It also makes it much easier (and more ledgible) than on-the-fly Sharpie edits!:headbang:
  • So, to summarize what everyone wants (along with a few ideas of my own):

    1) A main note scratch pad for editing and storing notes.

    2) The ability to associate notes with cues and directory items, hopefully with an icon indication that a note exists and a right-click menu for managing it.

    3) The ability to open a note in a window that can be sized, moved, and recorded into views.

    4) The ability to adjust the transparency of the note window, or possibly just set a transparent background so you only see text and a window control handle.

    5) The ability to open and close the note window from a comment macro.

    6) The ability to have some events (like parking a fixture) automatically create a note.

    Let me know if you think this is an accurate summary or if I've missed anything.

  • Akito,

    I agree that there are times it would be able to cue the desklights into a show. This has been discussed, but it has never been implemented.
  • All I want is the views to work fast, I don't need the thing to turn on a Kettle in Japan,
  • Robin,

    View performance doesn't really apply to the discussion of a notes feature, but feel free to start a new thread about it. As you and I have discussed, we are working on a number of things internally to improve both the overall performance of the console and performance specific to views, but these are large projects to tackle that affect many areas of the console and they take some time to develop and test properly. The more detailed information you can provide about what specific issues cause you trouble the more likely it is that we will be able to address those issues.

    You can upload an example show file to me directly at:

    and you can either email me the steps to reproduce the problem or post them here.

  • Cueing desklights into a show:confused:

    That might give me terrible flashbacks to "the Christams Tree" crash from ealier versions:Eyecrazy:

    Although macros that are capable of changing user prefs could be very useful as well

    :beerchug: Thanks Tom for distilling all our thoughts into one set of features...I think they all have use.

    Obviously we'll want to be able to congure these features independantly. I.E. - I may not want a note to be made every time I PARK a fixture.
  • ooo setup+Lwheel was one of the few forgiving features of the echelon...