A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • Marty,

    The thought behind being able to cue the desklights into the show is that you could drop the intensity when the house lights dim or fade to blue when you have a blackout cue.

    What user preferences would you like to be able to change with macros?
  • Dave S. & All,

    I've added the requests for notes functionality to feature request #6022.

  • Tom,

    [quote=teerickson]What user preferences would you like to be able to change with macros?

    How about default timings? Since the programmer uses default timimgs when "Fade Changes" is turned on, it would be great to be able to have a series of macros that could adjust those times.

    Also possibly wheel sensitivites for Catalyst. Having a less sensitve wheel is nice for things like Library & File, but not necessarily desirable all the time.

    Of course this is all wishful thinking until macros actually become implemented. And I know and agree that there are much higher priorites for the desk right now.:friday:
  • Good suggestions Marty.

    Both of these strike me as things that will be easier to implement with keystroke macros. Recordable keystroke macros is definitely a feature that's on the to do list, but as you surmised we have some bigger priorities right now.

  • If someone has noticed Compulite Vector has a system where you can add notes, pictures and video as an attachment to a cue...
  • Sami,

    I think Diplomacy II should be your choice @ evening school, as this is not the right forum to post threads like this.


  • :o I truly apologize... I didn't want to be anyway offensive. I just wanted to say it's an feature that is already on the market... and I must say it's only one of the few features in that console which are great... everything else is more or less...well... I can say I'm not a fan of Compulite at all... it's just a tool I have to work with and anyday, if it would be in my hands I would change it to ...well, to a console which name begins with letter H :)
  • sorry for beeing a bit of topic here.. and i know i don't have anything to say in how this forum is run, however, it's a public forum, and therefore I wan't to express how i feel..

    Rolf, I think sami was on topic, and was only mentioning examples of an "improoved" note function.. I can't see any problems of referring to another console on this forum..as sami said, that feature is very nice, and i think it would be sad if people didn't came with ideas for new features, or ways to improove our hog, becouse they where afraid of mentioning the competitions products..
    I'm not saying we should "copy" features from other desks, but there are sertainly things that other desks do right also, and this forum is called "requests and enhancement" so i would say that expression of requests and ideas is only for the better for our hogs..
  • I guess it is time for me to put my Forum Administrator hat on. :cop:

    Sami, there is no need to apologize, you referencing the behavior of similar functionality in another product relevant to the "note" feature discussion at hand.

    We moderate these forums very loosely. I haven't ever deleted a User's post from these forums yet. We encourage a free form discussion of ideas and issues, in order to make everyone feel welcome and to not be afraid to post their questions or suggestions. The most moderation we normally do is to encourage people to post separate issues or thoughts as separate threads so as to help keep individual threads on topic for us. This helps us to maintain our database of requests and issues that we log from the discussion that arises here.

    The 2nd post in this thread referenced how this feature in the Virtuoso worked. You will frequently see people comparing how different features behave in different products and there is nothing wrong with this. It helps us gauge what people like and don't like when we go to implement a feature in our own way.

    Many of our users have a fierce loyalty to the Hog family and that is certainly something we appreciate and cherish. However, we know it is a big world out there and there are other products out there (of course not as good as the Hog :D ) but we want to win over everyone we can which means making it the best console we can from everyones input and experiences...even if those experiences are sometimes come from using a different console.
  • I agree Scott. I am a huge supporter of all things:hogsign:

    But nothing will turn people off faster than an "I'm not elitist....I'm just better than you" attitude.:twak:

    So lets all be cool, because open minds will prevail.:headbang:
  • Marty,

    I used the closest smiley I had to toungue in cheek when I wrote that part. Guess that was missed.

    There are a lot of good products out there, we all know that. Some consoles are better at doing certain things more than others. The Hog is no different, there are some things that others do better than us, there are things we do better than them. It is how we all differentiate our products from each other by where we concentrate our efforts.

    The point of the previous post is that people should feel free and open to discuss things here without worry about having to always maintain their Hog "fanboy" status when discussing or debating how a feature works in other consoles.
  • It seems that everything that needs to be said here already has, but I wanted to jump in and support what Scott has said.

    It's perfectly reasonable for people to say "Hey, console X has implemented featury Y in a way I like a lot." It gives us a great idea of what you want and why. It may even open up ideas for more questions or deeper discussion about specific features.

    I've been very impressed with how productive the discussion has been in the forums so far. I certainly don't think Sami was trying to "bash" the Hog 3 at all, just pointing out that someone else has a good implementation of a specific feature that is worth looking at. Nothing worth raising the hackles over.

    We will certainly step in if we feel anything is getting out of hand, but I'd like to thank you all for playing nice in our little sandbox and not requiring much supervision.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum...
  • So, I continue a bit about the notes thing...
    I have found it useful to make of course all kind of notes for cues and cause you can attach pictures, I have my pictures for focusing attached to focusing cues. Before that I used Powerpoint :) now the console has "Powerpoint" :)
    I guess, that kind of feature has been easy to implement, cause the console runs on Windows...which supports various formats. Tough, I think it should be no problem on Linux either
  • I tell you the truth, here in Israel, the compulite desk rules, not because they are good console, but because Compulite is an Israeli compeny and they can give a good service to the client more then anybody else, so if you cam to Israel you can see in every light company (except Danix) in here a Compulite Spark, saber and other consoles from Compulite (we have only one or two vectors in Israel) but although that, Danix WholeHog III is the best and everybody here in israel know that. (they give our WholeHog the nickname "Zeus" the Lord of the consoles how lives forever and ever!)

    I don't wont to lauge about the Vector because the Compulite guys here will be insulted (and i have a lot to say about it) but still, to what Sami say with that "Powerpoint" and the windows, the Vector Console is a computer, a simple computer with a "Vector" software on it, if you cam with a crocked disk you can crash the all console with a virus because this is a computer hes so damn slow because all these programs that he need to carry (the windows programs), from what i heared hes crash a lot and you can count how much Compulite consoles (all of them) we have in this word vs Hog3 only (i dont mention the Hog2 ,1000 ,500 ,Ipc ,pc3 ,pc2... yet) and do your own calculation and you will see.

    I agree thet the note page is useful (one point for Compulite, even in the 1990 (or something like that) Spark you have that Text window and you can writh there whatever you want)
    The Hog need something like that Note page, maybe the Vector Note page will be more advance with that pictures and all that but the console can barely function, the CPU will be shortly on 100%.
    and don't mention how he looks hah...like a toaster ! heh...

    The vector is a good console, no more.
    I understend you Sami that you love all that gimmicks the Vector have but this is for playing with the console not to make light with.
    The only thing that i love in the Vector is the 20 motorized playback faders, damnnn this is HOT !!!
    Except this, they copy 98% Hog2 !!! (execpt the name and the faders)
    And this vector is limited only 999 from everything, if you want to record palete nomber 1000, hah...you wish to!

  • This is going bit offtopic, but I must say I totally agree with Amir...
    The situation is similar here in Finland. This is a small country and we have only one "big" reseller, which has almost a monopoly when it comes to theatre technology...so almost every theatre here has a Compu and a few have AVABs...
    Also operators in here theatres think you can't do lighting in theatre with Hog...but I must say they are wrong...99% of them haven't ever even tried...
    But, entertainment industry here...it's full of GMAs and Hogs...and I think here the resellers of those consoles just don't have skills to prove how well those consoles are suitable for theatre...it makes me a bit sad...cause more and more theaters in this country have moving lights and those are the hardest part to program.
    Conventionals usually have only one parameter...intensity.
    Every morning when I go to work I hope for a miracle and that for some reason my red pancake machine has been mysteriously vanished... :)