A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • Marty,

    I used the closest smiley I had to toungue in cheek when I wrote that part. Guess that was missed.

    There are a lot of good products out there, we all know that. Some consoles are better at doing certain things more than others. The Hog is no different, there are some things that others do better than us, there are things we do better than them. It is how we all differentiate our products from each other by where we concentrate our efforts.

    The point of the previous post is that people should feel free and open to discuss things here without worry about having to always maintain their Hog "fanboy" status when discussing or debating how a feature works in other consoles.
  • Marty,

    I used the closest smiley I had to toungue in cheek when I wrote that part. Guess that was missed.

    There are a lot of good products out there, we all know that. Some consoles are better at doing certain things more than others. The Hog is no different, there are some things that others do better than us, there are things we do better than them. It is how we all differentiate our products from each other by where we concentrate our efforts.

    The point of the previous post is that people should feel free and open to discuss things here without worry about having to always maintain their Hog "fanboy" status when discussing or debating how a feature works in other consoles.
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