A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • It seems that everything that needs to be said here already has, but I wanted to jump in and support what Scott has said.

    It's perfectly reasonable for people to say "Hey, console X has implemented featury Y in a way I like a lot." It gives us a great idea of what you want and why. It may even open up ideas for more questions or deeper discussion about specific features.

    I've been very impressed with how productive the discussion has been in the forums so far. I certainly don't think Sami was trying to "bash" the Hog 3 at all, just pointing out that someone else has a good implementation of a specific feature that is worth looking at. Nothing worth raising the hackles over.

    We will certainly step in if we feel anything is getting out of hand, but I'd like to thank you all for playing nice in our little sandbox and not requiring much supervision.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum...
  • It seems that everything that needs to be said here already has, but I wanted to jump in and support what Scott has said.

    It's perfectly reasonable for people to say "Hey, console X has implemented featury Y in a way I like a lot." It gives us a great idea of what you want and why. It may even open up ideas for more questions or deeper discussion about specific features.

    I've been very impressed with how productive the discussion has been in the forums so far. I certainly don't think Sami was trying to "bash" the Hog 3 at all, just pointing out that someone else has a good implementation of a specific feature that is worth looking at. Nothing worth raising the hackles over.

    We will certainly step in if we feel anything is getting out of hand, but I'd like to thank you all for playing nice in our little sandbox and not requiring much supervision.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum...
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