A "notes" page

(I've looked for and couldn't find it so...)
I'd like to request a "notes" page, a simple way to write down notes relating to the show, almost like a scratch pad. That way if other programmers are coming to work on a show (a very common occurrence on feature films with 1st Unit, 2nd Unit, Bluescreen, Miniature units etc.) notes regarding the show such as parked channels, changes in effects, etc. would be saved all in one tidy place. In fact, it would be even more cool if those notes could be attached to the comment cell in the cuelist, for a sort of Pig+click to open.
Not like you guys have anything else to do...
  • I guess it is time for me to put my Forum Administrator hat on. :cop:

    Sami, there is no need to apologize, you referencing the behavior of similar functionality in another product relevant to the "note" feature discussion at hand.

    We moderate these forums very loosely. I haven't ever deleted a User's post from these forums yet. We encourage a free form discussion of ideas and issues, in order to make everyone feel welcome and to not be afraid to post their questions or suggestions. The most moderation we normally do is to encourage people to post separate issues or thoughts as separate threads so as to help keep individual threads on topic for us. This helps us to maintain our database of requests and issues that we log from the discussion that arises here.

    The 2nd post in this thread referenced how this feature in the Virtuoso worked. You will frequently see people comparing how different features behave in different products and there is nothing wrong with this. It helps us gauge what people like and don't like when we go to implement a feature in our own way.

    Many of our users have a fierce loyalty to the Hog family and that is certainly something we appreciate and cherish. However, we know it is a big world out there and there are other products out there (of course not as good as the Hog :D ) but we want to win over everyone we can which means making it the best console we can from everyones input and experiences...even if those experiences are sometimes come from using a different console.
  • I guess it is time for me to put my Forum Administrator hat on. :cop:

    Sami, there is no need to apologize, you referencing the behavior of similar functionality in another product relevant to the "note" feature discussion at hand.

    We moderate these forums very loosely. I haven't ever deleted a User's post from these forums yet. We encourage a free form discussion of ideas and issues, in order to make everyone feel welcome and to not be afraid to post their questions or suggestions. The most moderation we normally do is to encourage people to post separate issues or thoughts as separate threads so as to help keep individual threads on topic for us. This helps us to maintain our database of requests and issues that we log from the discussion that arises here.

    The 2nd post in this thread referenced how this feature in the Virtuoso worked. You will frequently see people comparing how different features behave in different products and there is nothing wrong with this. It helps us gauge what people like and don't like when we go to implement a feature in our own way.

    Many of our users have a fierce loyalty to the Hog family and that is certainly something we appreciate and cherish. However, we know it is a big world out there and there are other products out there (of course not as good as the Hog :D ) but we want to win over everyone we can which means making it the best console we can from everyones input and experiences...even if those experiences are sometimes come from using a different console.
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