Novice Question! a total novice on this desk (hog 3) so dont laugh!!

I know the answer to this question will be as easy as tieing a shoelace for you lot!!!

All fixtures (VL3000 spots) are patched...can pan/tilt......go to setup a look.....intensity up light!!!
How on earth do i get them on?.....all fixtures lamps are on....just no output!!
I have searched everywhere, and i am probably being really dull here!!
So if anyone can help me i would be very VERY grateful!

Now i must mention here that i come from the avo pearl camp !!

Many thanks in advance!
  • Either the Grandmaster not up, or more likely, you havn't striked the lamps.. theres a little toolbar on the bottom right side of the right screen, which says "control" which you can touch, and a menu with strike lamp among others appear.. and then you need to press strike lamp, and wait some seconds, and then press clear.
    -you can also press the control hardbutton to get that control menu up!
  • Problem fixed! i thought the lamps had struck up, but obviously not!!

    Thanks for the reply and advice.

    Next question:

    Can anyone confirm if the latest build of the hog 3 software has the Pulsar Chromazone fixture in the library before i upgrade the software!
  • Well, i'm not at my desk atm, but i just checked H3Pc, and it's there, so it's a good chance it's there on the desk, which has a slightly older software.. hovewer. -If the profile is in the software you're using now, it will be there in the latest one also. I have never seen HES take a fixture profile out of the software.
  • Any ideas why the help button does not work? on the hog pc it obviously brings up the help window....but on the desk it does the help file is not there!

    Would this be fixed with updating the software? ( i presume a new help file would be installed then)
  • Regarding the help file - do you have the console configured for an external monitor but do NOT have an external monitor connected?
  • Jon,

    Is the help window not opening, or is it opening to an empty screen?

    The help system is context-sensitive. We try to open help that is appropriate for what windows you are currently working in. We are usually pretty good about getting this right, but unfortunately there are a few cases where we just open an empty window. You can always click on the Home button to get back to the table of contents.

    If the help window isn't opening at all, it may be because it's trying to open on an external screen as Jason mentioned. Tap the help button to try and open the window and then push move a couple of times to try to move it to an internal monitor.

    I hope this helps.