Would it be possible on next Expansion Wing to have between 25 to 100 key (some thing like key pad with 5 by 5 to 10 by 10 buttons) used as go or flash and where we could put scenes, cues, group, macro....
For what I understand of the full expansion wing being developed for H3 is that you will have 2 sets of 10 faders on the bottom, and on the top you will have 2 sets of 10 choose/go/back buttons with a flash key as well, just no fader. All with their own mini-LCD culeist ledgers, etc.:)
I've heard that the hardware is basically done, and now they are working on finishing the software.;)
So basically you will have 40 new places to put cuelists and scenes. All with a flash and 20 also have a fader.:D
I personally feel this is going to be awesome, and honor the old H2 wing style without having to put in an uneccesary set of GrandMA-ish buttons. Between the new wing and the touchscreens we'll all have whatever we want and more @ our fingertips!:love:
I know I am anxiously awaiting its' realease with my checkbook @ the ready!!:headbang: :hogsign:
Fully awaiting the arrival for the Big Expansion wing, bought myself the M-Audio Trigger Finger which is a 4x4 MIDI trigger pad. Through the brilliant SAMSC software you can assign Midi Show Control commands to the TriggerPad. The Trigger Finger is about 200 euro's and you can make multiple pages on it!! Always loved the executor buttons on the GMA. Good place to put your macro's, works, hazers, etc.