Inserting a follow

Besides typing a time, inserting a follow is probably the most used input for the wait column.
It currently involves several actions to insert a follow (as far as I know). You have to select the cell, press [set] and the select follow on the touch screen or use the mouse.
I was wondering if there could be a short cut for inserting a follow.

I was thinking about using the PIG button for that. So when you hold down pig and click on the cell in the wait column a follow is inserted.

Does anybody else have some input on that subject?


Gertjan Houben
Moving Lights Support
  • :footinmouth: Yep! I put my foot in my mouth.
    Okay, I'll read better next time.
    I guess the console hopping is getting to me. I so rarely use follow and just enter wait times that I don't think about it.
    It would also be nice though it the follow indicated the wait time it has. What I mean by this is that when I fan the delays of a dozen movers and then fan the fade times, I end up with cues that have a mix and match of IPCB parameters and I don't exactly have the patience to count out the cue length. Of course when I look in the list tab above the fader, the time is noted on the "next" cue but when I just open a list that is not on a fader, I loose that. Perhaps the solution then would be a way to have a comment that showed the cue length next to the cue.
  • :footinmouth: Yep! I put my foot in my mouth.
    Okay, I'll read better next time.
    I guess the console hopping is getting to me. I so rarely use follow and just enter wait times that I don't think about it.
    It would also be nice though it the follow indicated the wait time it has. What I mean by this is that when I fan the delays of a dozen movers and then fan the fade times, I end up with cues that have a mix and match of IPCB parameters and I don't exactly have the patience to count out the cue length. Of course when I look in the list tab above the fader, the time is noted on the "next" cue but when I just open a list that is not on a fader, I loose that. Perhaps the solution then would be a way to have a comment that showed the cue length next to the cue.
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