is there anyway to do a dimmer check in the hog 3 system? i need a way to check individual dimmers without patching them. if this is not a feature, does anyone know of a workaround?
Hovewer, It's already on the vishlist.. What i usually do as a workaround is(practically limitided to how many universes you have free on your dp's).. make a new fixture with fixturebuilder, one intensity channel, and name it test.. and then i just put 512 of those on a free universe.. of cource you need to replug your dmx line when you need to test, but atleast it works.. or if you have a dmx merger, you could use it in htp mode on the "original" and "test" universe if you don't wan't to replug your line..
At this time we do not have a timeline for the dimmer check feature, but it is an often requested feature so it is higher on our list than other requests.
The dimmer check / DMX test feature has been logged, but it has not yet been targeted to a specific software release. It happens to be on the short list of features that the Wholehog 2 had, but the Wholehog 3 does not, so it's certainly a priority for us.