I'd like to see the file management fleshed out a bit.
A few problems I currently have...
-When I do a backup, I would like to be able to click on an existing file to select that as the destination. This doesn't seem to work from inside the OS.
-If a folder has more than a full window worth of files in it, you can not paste files into it, as there is no empty space to rich click in.
-Drag and drop support seems to be very limited. Ex. I can not drag a backup file from the hard drive to a flash drive.
-Console does not understand file size issues. Ex. If I try to backup to a flash drive that doesn't have enough room left, the console attempts the backup, giving me a generic failure message midway through the backup, as opposed to telling me that the mass storage device does not have enough free space.
I'll add more to the thread when I think of them.