Flashing Green LEDs on Faders????

I think I've seen this before...back in the ver1 OS. I have a console with two fader flash buttons blinking GREEN LEDs. What does this mean? How do I get rid of it?
  • Scott,

    We have a couple of rare issues that can cause some unexpected LED states. One of the more common ones is the List and Macro LEDs turning on. We have defects open for these issues and there have been discussions here, but we've never been able to track down how to get this to happen. Luckily, I've never seen it actually affect the operation of the console. It's just a cosmetic glitch. If you happen to figure out how to reproduce what you saw, please let me know.

  • Scott,

    We have a couple of rare issues that can cause some unexpected LED states. One of the more common ones is the List and Macro LEDs turning on. We have defects open for these issues and there have been discussions here, but we've never been able to track down how to get this to happen. Luckily, I've never seen it actually affect the operation of the console. It's just a cosmetic glitch. If you happen to figure out how to reproduce what you saw, please let me know.

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