Auto Reconect to net Show ?

Hello , I see it's possible to reset a network consol but then the reseted consol will not reconnect to the net show .

I wish the consol reconect to the show server authomaticly .


  • Emiliano,

    Can you give me some additional information about what you're asking for?

    Are you saying that when you reset a client console from the network window that you want it to automatically log back on to the show it was connected to?

    Or possibly that you want an additional Auto-Launch option to reconnect to a network show? We would probably have an option for connecting to a network show and we could show a drop-down list of all shows that are currently active on the network.

    Let me know what you think.
  • Emiliano,

    Can you give me some additional information about what you're asking for?

    Are you saying that when you reset a client console from the network window that you want it to automatically log back on to the show it was connected to?

    Or possibly that you want an additional Auto-Launch option to reconnect to a network show? We would probably have an option for connecting to a network show and we could show a drop-down list of all shows that are currently active on the network.

    Let me know what you think.
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