fade time with macros

Is there a way to fade out a chase, or some endless linked follow-cues, running in an other cue-list than the active chooser using a macro command. So the chase is still running, and fading out. The macro should give the fade out-time. To mine opinion the syntax would be, for example: FM8/0t10, this is not working, M8 fades in 0s. to 0. I am only allowed to do this with RM8t10, but then there is a halt at the cue that was running in the chase and M8 releases in the given time. But I want to see the chase slowly fading out. Does anyone know a solution?

  • Thank you Sander for this post and thanks for all the great help from everyone.

    I am trying to do the same thing with an effect.
    I have an effect cuelist written that runs in a random continuous loop to make 6 intensity parameters chase. This cuelist is triggered by a macro in my main cue list. I have now written a 1 cue cuelist that takes all 6 intensity parameters to 0. (all's well so far)

    When I trigger the "fade" cuelist the "chase" cue list stops at whatever cue it was currently on and fades that intensity out. The "chase" cue list continues to run, but the intensity parameters in the chase are forced to 0 by the "fade" cuelist. But, I can't get the chase to continue as the lights fade out.
    The only way I can get the effect I want is by attaching the chase cue list to a master and manually fading it down.
    It would be nice if I could trigger a macro to fade that master, but unfortunately I can't get that macro function to attach properly. I can only release the master.

    TIA for any help,
    Laura Bickford
  • Thank you Sander for this post and thanks for all the great help from everyone.

    I am trying to do the same thing with an effect.
    I have an effect cuelist written that runs in a random continuous loop to make 6 intensity parameters chase. This cuelist is triggered by a macro in my main cue list. I have now written a 1 cue cuelist that takes all 6 intensity parameters to 0. (all's well so far)

    When I trigger the "fade" cuelist the "chase" cue list stops at whatever cue it was currently on and fades that intensity out. The "chase" cue list continues to run, but the intensity parameters in the chase are forced to 0 by the "fade" cuelist. But, I can't get the chase to continue as the lights fade out.
    The only way I can get the effect I want is by attaching the chase cue list to a master and manually fading it down.
    It would be nice if I could trigger a macro to fade that master, but unfortunately I can't get that macro function to attach properly. I can only release the master.

    TIA for any help,
    Laura Bickford
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