fade time with macros

Is there a way to fade out a chase, or some endless linked follow-cues, running in an other cue-list than the active chooser using a macro command. So the chase is still running, and fading out. The macro should give the fade out-time. To mine opinion the syntax would be, for example: FM8/0t10, this is not working, M8 fades in 0s. to 0. I am only allowed to do this with RM8t10, but then there is a halt at the cue that was running in the chase and M8 releases in the given time. But I want to see the chase slowly fading out. Does anyone know a solution?

  • Marco -
    Thanks for your responses.
    I tried exactly what you said and i still get the same result. I trigger the chase via a macro. Then I trigger the fade out cue list. The chase pauses at whatever step it is currently on and fades that intensity to 0.
    If I open the Cuelist directory I can see that the chase is still running. However, all of the parameters are at 0.

    Last night I found a post that explained how to achieve a fade out of intensities while the effect is still running.

    In this post it is explained that you should attach the chase cuelist to a master. Then you write a cuelist that has 10 steps, each one fading the chase master down by 10% until it's out. When you want to fade the chase out, you trigger this cuelist by macro + the faders steps down. It's a bit of a complicated workaround, but it does exactly what I want.

    Anyone have a simpler solution??

    :hogsign: Laura
  • Marco -
    Thanks for your responses.
    I tried exactly what you said and i still get the same result. I trigger the chase via a macro. Then I trigger the fade out cue list. The chase pauses at whatever step it is currently on and fades that intensity to 0.
    If I open the Cuelist directory I can see that the chase is still running. However, all of the parameters are at 0.

    Last night I found a post that explained how to achieve a fade out of intensities while the effect is still running.

    In this post it is explained that you should attach the chase cuelist to a master. Then you write a cuelist that has 10 steps, each one fading the chase master down by 10% until it's out. When you want to fade the chase out, you trigger this cuelist by macro + the faders steps down. It's a bit of a complicated workaround, but it does exactly what I want.

    Anyone have a simpler solution??

    :hogsign: Laura
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