Group FX

While I was teaching one of my studets threw this kind of idea...
Could it be possible to have a FX in amount of fixtures running the FX.

So, for example you have a rainbow in a group of fixtures containing 12 fixtures. With this modifier you could limit the FX to one fixture and when you put the modifier to full FX is run on all fixtures.
  • Sami,

    I've been thinking about this a bit and I'm not entirely sure that I understand. I'm imagining a modifier on the effects wheelset that I could adjust while I have all of the fixtures in my effect selected. The problem here is how would the console know which fixture(s) to limit. If you need to select fixtures individually, then wouldn't it be just as easy to adjust the size or rate to 0?

    As I said, I think I'm just missing something here. Any clarification you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  • Sami,

    I've been thinking about this a bit and I'm not entirely sure that I understand. I'm imagining a modifier on the effects wheelset that I could adjust while I have all of the fixtures in my effect selected. The problem here is how would the console know which fixture(s) to limit. If you need to select fixtures individually, then wouldn't it be just as easy to adjust the size or rate to 0?

    As I said, I think I'm just missing something here. Any clarification you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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