Syntax for using goto with a specified list # rather than the chosen master is currently logged as feature request #9481.
I don't see any need for goto with scenes, because there isn't anything to go to. The scene is either on or off. You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release. If you can tell me why goto would make sense or make life easier with scenes, I'd be glad to open an enhancement for you.
Syntax for using goto with a specified list # rather than the chosen master is currently logged as feature request #9481.
I don't see any need for goto with scenes, because there isn't anything to go to. The scene is either on or off. You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release. If you can tell me why goto would make sense or make life easier with scenes, I'd be glad to open an enhancement for you.