Enhanced Goto command

Can we have an enhanced Goto function where I can, from the command line, enter the syntax:

List # Goto #

or perhaps also

Scene # Goto
  • I'm happy with Scene # Enter but something with Lists could be useful.
  • Todd,

    Syntax for using goto with a specified list # rather than the chosen master is currently logged as feature request #9481.

    I don't see any need for goto with scenes, because there isn't anything to go to. The scene is either on or off. You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release. If you can tell me why goto would make sense or make life easier with scenes, I'd be glad to open an enhancement for you.

  • [quote=teerickson]
    I don't see any need for goto with scenes...

    I agree, just rushing through thought.

    You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release.

    How about a command line for releasing scenes and cuelists? How's that done, is it an enhancement? Is there a way to use Assert, Release, Pause, and Play beyond more than the chosen master or touch holding a cuelist or scene?

    Oh and since I've never actually known... How in the hell do I use the Master Choose button?
  • [quote=SourceChild]How about a command line for releasing scenes and cuelists?

    List + Release will release all your currently running virtual cuelists
    Scene + Release will release all your currently running scenes

    Neither of these will affect anything on the playbacks/masters.
  • [quote=Marty Postma]
    List + Release will release all your currently running virtual cuelists
    Scene + Release will release all your currently running scenes

    You Rock Marty, I got these, just kills me when I've got a gazzillion Vcuelists running. I'm always trying to find a way to release just specific ones without having to dig them up in the cuelist window.

    Are there any other command line Assert/Release functions?

    What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8
  • [QUOTE=SourceChild]I agree, just rushing through thought.

    Is there a way to use Assert, Release, Pause, and Play beyond more than the chosen master or touch holding a cuelist or scene?

    i build my show with all my lists. After finishing programming i use LIST 1 thru 1000 move 6 thru 1005
    After that i record empy cues in the list 1 thru 5. In this empty cue i build comment macro's to release virtual lists. I have a release to release all col loops, all gobo loops, all movements, all dimmer sequences, and a release all virtual lists. it takes a couple of minutes to build and its a great way of fast releasing in on th fly shows.

    I use scenes a lot for strobe rates, movevement shape etc etc. i record 4 scenes in a row with different values and scene 5 is a empty scene with a comment macro to release the previous 4 scenes.


    Frank Verbeek
    Production Partners
  • [quote=SourceChild]How about a command line for releasing scenes and cuelists?

    I had a live show tuesday with the hog III and i used lot of scenes for all was not loop, chases, dimmer or IFCF faber, the best way, for me, to release a scene is on a second press, press + release is really not practical nor fast and use two hands.

    For the lists it's more difficult so command line is great (could have yhe same for scene off course) or we could have a release button on list view so we would select the release button and touch the scene the release button would automatically unselected at the end of the release so next touch on a list will active it.
  • I also like the second press idea, but the idea having the release button on list view could be useful also with scenes.
  • [quote=Frankv1234]
    ...i record empy cues in the list 1 thru 5. In this empty cue i build comment macro's to release virtual lists...

    ...i record 4 scenes in a row with different values and scene 5 is a empty scene with a comment macro to release the previous 4 scenes...

    Good Innovation, I like your conventions.
  • [quote=SourceChild]What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8

    Well I'm sure you already know that if you set "Release All" under user prefs. for pages when you change a page it releases all your masters.

    Don't forget you can have pages fire comment macros. Use the little speadsheet icon from the top toolbar of your Page directory to see the Macro column all the way to the right. These are the same as cuelist macros.

    Is this what you're looking for? :)
  • [quote=Marty Postma]
    Well I'm sure you already know that if you set "Release All" under user prefs.

    Right Marty, I just wish my shows were shows going black after each song, then this wouldn't be a problems. I would set "Release All" and not worry about it. Sadly though Every damned song leads into the next and there is never a time when I am totally black. I usually use "Leave In Background" for just about everything. This is especially true when building very complex songs where I might be using one page of empty cuelists and macros to trigger litterallty a few dozen cuelists on other pages.

    Ultimatelty the problem becomes having to release a page of lists after I have already made active lists on the new page.

    [quote=Marty Postma]
    Don't forget you can have pages fire comment macros. Use the little speadsheet icon from the top toolbar of your Page directory to see the Macro column all the way to the right. These are the same as cuelist macros.

    Is this what you're looking for? :)

    Since the song order is always changing and since so many things happen on the fly, I can't go through and build page macros that I can count on. Yes, in a single song where I have 3 or 4 pages of cuelists, I will do this since sometimes switing from verse to pre-chorus to bridge etc is more predictable that what song might be next.

    I think what I would still like to see if there were command line tools where I could Goto a specific cue in a cuelist or release a specific cuelist.
  • Somehow, I've a feeling we are thinking a lot of workarounds because we don't have the good old Macros....
  • WOW! What a great idea....:aargh4:

    Turn on the macro button so that when we have "Macro" in the command line, we just type the script we would for cue macros and hit enter!

    Yay! What an idea:headbang:
  • [quote=SourceChild] This is especially true when building very complex songs where I might be using one page of empty cuelists and macros to trigger litterallty a few dozen cuelists on other pages.

    I'm literally making more of an effort to imagine a scenario where I have to use one page of empty cuelists and macros to trigger cuelists on other pages. Actually I don't know what your specific needs are but I reckon that a show built on a page per song basis gives us the flexibility we are looking for. I do believe that most of the times the best solution is the simplest one.
  • [quote=bellons]
    ...I don't know what your specific needs are...

    Well, I'm the crazy eccentric lighting and set design artists that spent 10 years doing lighting for big raves and then started programming lighting rigs and media servers for award shows and corporate events.
    So of course when I took a job lighting in a production obsessed Mega Church, they wanted the complexity of an award show with the flash of a rave.

    This means a big show on a big rig with tons of LEDs, Movers, Conventionals, and Media Servers. Oh and since I'm not the board opp but newbie volunteers are, I have to program the whole show so that an idiot can figure it out.

    To make things even more complex, there is an inventory of over 100 songs for the praise and worship. Then there's the fact that every single week there are several brand new special elements, songs, dramatic pieces, that require custom programming.

    It wouldn't be a challenger but it's a Church and anyone of you out there in Hog forum land who have every had a Church client knows that everything is last minute. In addition to that, since everyone of the Church performers believes that everything should be spontaneous (on a timecoded show no less), all I can do is account for literally any contingency.

    So "what are my needs..."
    I need volunteers who understand something about programming. I've got people who can't even remember how to home a light or douse it's lamp correctly.

    ...a page per song basis gives us the flexibility we are looking for...

    Oh did I mention there is never a black out? Every single element runs together. This makes it hard to release a page and move on to the next one. It also make it hard to "hold over" because I need that next fader before I release the cuelist active on it.

    I agree with you in the real world. I suppose we'll have to tell the Church that in the real world we'd have two expert opps and Expansion wings for every service.

    I do believe that most of the times the best solution is the simplest one.

    Well I suppose if I didn't blow them out of the water the first time, they wouldn't expect the same complexity every single week. But you can't forget, this is a Church. They expect miracles in those places haha. Unfortunately they don't have the same budgets that a client like IBM would have.