Enhanced Goto command

Can we have an enhanced Goto function where I can, from the command line, enter the syntax:

List # Goto #

or perhaps also

Scene # Goto
  • [quote=Marty Postma]
    List + Release will release all your currently running virtual cuelists
    Scene + Release will release all your currently running scenes

    You Rock Marty, I got these, just kills me when I've got a gazzillion Vcuelists running. I'm always trying to find a way to release just specific ones without having to dig them up in the cuelist window.

    Are there any other command line Assert/Release functions?

    What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8
  • [quote=Marty Postma]
    List + Release will release all your currently running virtual cuelists
    Scene + Release will release all your currently running scenes

    You Rock Marty, I got these, just kills me when I've got a gazzillion Vcuelists running. I'm always trying to find a way to release just specific ones without having to dig them up in the cuelist window.

    Are there any other command line Assert/Release functions?

    What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8
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