Enhanced Goto command

Can we have an enhanced Goto function where I can, from the command line, enter the syntax:

List # Goto #

or perhaps also

Scene # Goto
  • [quote=teerickson]
    I don't see any need for goto with scenes...

    I agree, just rushing through thought.

    You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release.

    How about a command line for releasing scenes and cuelists? How's that done, is it an enhancement? Is there a way to use Assert, Release, Pause, and Play beyond more than the chosen master or touch holding a cuelist or scene?

    Oh and since I've never actually known... How in the hell do I use the Master Choose button?
  • [quote=teerickson]
    I don't see any need for goto with scenes...

    I agree, just rushing through thought.

    You should be able to control everything you need with play, pause, assert, or release.

    How about a command line for releasing scenes and cuelists? How's that done, is it an enhancement? Is there a way to use Assert, Release, Pause, and Play beyond more than the chosen master or touch holding a cuelist or scene?

    Oh and since I've never actually known... How in the hell do I use the Master Choose button?
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