Enhanced Goto command

Can we have an enhanced Goto function where I can, from the command line, enter the syntax:

List # Goto #

or perhaps also

Scene # Goto
  • [quote=SourceChild]What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8

    Well I'm sure you already know that if you set "Release All" under user prefs. for pages when you change a page it releases all your masters.

    Don't forget you can have pages fire comment macros. Use the little speadsheet icon from the top toolbar of your Page directory to see the Macro column all the way to the right. These are the same as cuelist macros.

    Is this what you're looking for? :)
  • [quote=SourceChild]What about an enhancement for a command line release of a whole page. For example if I'm on page 4 and I want to release page 5 after I start page 4 I would want to type something like:

    Page 3 RM 1>8

    Well I'm sure you already know that if you set "Release All" under user prefs. for pages when you change a page it releases all your masters.

    Don't forget you can have pages fire comment macros. Use the little speadsheet icon from the top toolbar of your Page directory to see the Macro column all the way to the right. These are the same as cuelist macros.

    Is this what you're looking for? :)
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