Correct me when I'm wrong, but theoretical I can connect my Wysiwyg workstation directly to a Hog 3 console by using cross-over ethernet cable without connecting a DP2000 in the system, right!?
Yes, you can... You just need to have the Conectivity program, what you can dwnld at and installs at the Wysiwyg computer The Conectivity software, is a little aplication, what basickly tells the console he is a virtual DP. HES guys can explain that more technicaly.
The Wholehog 3 connectivity driver allows direct connection (over Ethernet) to WYSIWYG, ESP Vision, Martin Show Designer, and Capture. It will work with the Wholehog 3 console, the Hog iPC, and Hog 3PC software. It can be found on the Flying Pig website as a stand-alone installer and is also included on the full install CD image that is available for download. Section 31 of the Wholehog user manual describes how to install and use the connectivity driver.
When i try to connect wysiwyg console edition to the hog3 they seem to be connected but it's not working. The hog 3 says on the network screen the visualizer is running but it is not used in this show. How can i solve this problem??