iPC-Installing new XPe Image

Just a quick question. I installed the XPe (8.03) image just fine onto the iPC, but it was my understanding that the newest versions of the iPC panel and Hog3PC software would be installed with it. (I checked the iPC Config panel when it booted, and 3PC is still 1618.) Is that not correct? If not, what files on the cd I burned will upgrade iPC and 3PC?

Thanks in advance.
  • JT,

    There are a few things that can prevent the Hog iPC Configuration Panel from pulling the proper version information to display. It's almost certainly just a cosmetic issue, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As mentioned above, you could fix this problem by doing a full restore, but remember to back up your shows first.

    Just so everyone knows, we've mad a few minor driver and installer changes to the Hog iPC System Restore image and release 8.0.4 is now available for download from the www.flyingpig.com web site.

  • JT,

    There are a few things that can prevent the Hog iPC Configuration Panel from pulling the proper version information to display. It's almost certainly just a cosmetic issue, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As mentioned above, you could fix this problem by doing a full restore, but remember to back up your shows first.

    Just so everyone knows, we've mad a few minor driver and installer changes to the Hog iPC System Restore image and release 8.0.4 is now available for download from the www.flyingpig.com web site.

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