iPC-Installing new XPe Image

Just a quick question. I installed the XPe (8.03) image just fine onto the iPC, but it was my understanding that the newest versions of the iPC panel and Hog3PC software would be installed with it. (I checked the iPC Config panel when it booted, and 3PC is still 1618.) Is that not correct? If not, what files on the cd I burned will upgrade iPC and 3PC?

Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,
    You don't say if you are doing a partial or full install? Can you clarify.
    It installed correctly for me first time and i have just checked the revision numbers which read correctly.
    I am using this page
    I downloaded and did a full clean install on an IPC console and the image installed 2.2.1 (1175) Hog3pc and same for IPC 2.2.1(1175).
    Do not remove the CD after the first re-boot of the IPC when you do a full clean install as the process is not fully complete at that point.This caught me out when i first did a full install,if your still having problems maybe try downloading the image file again and re-burn a new iso.

    Hope this is of some help
  • Ok I did do a partial install because I thought the only thing that did was not erase the show files on the hdd. I didn't realize to update all the software I had to do a Full. I can try that and check it out. I did leave the disc in there after the restart so it would finish.
  • Ok so yesterday right after I did the reinstall I just checked out the iPC config panel. There it displays the Hog3PC as running 1618, but when I launch 3PC, it shows 1775.

    In the upgrade column of the config panel it shows both 3PC and iPC as being b 1618

    Does this mean my iPC config panel did not update, or is this an error?
  • hi there. If you perform a full system restore you shouldn't have any significant problem whatsoever. I actually did a full system restore on my Ipc and everything seems to be just fine.
    Back up your data before performing it. If it doesn't do the job the way you expect try to download again the ISO image, burn it again as comack suggested earlier and eventually do the full system restore.
    Hope this helps!!!!
  • Thanks for the replies. I did end up doing the full system restore, and that worked fine on 1 of my 2 iPC's (second one is installing now). However, can someone from High End confirm that the partial restore did not work correctly and see about getting it fixed? (or maybe I'm the only one that's ever done a partial install...) Thanks.
  • Hi jt,
    i have found from experience it's a whole lot simplier just to do a full clean install and install everything from the ISO.I understand that dosen't answer your question but if you want read the download page that has all the IPC software and follow the instructions very closely including the order in which the software should be installed,of course back up/burn all the shows you want to keep then go for...
    It does take a little more time but it is possible to do partial restores but in my mind clean install will solve a lot most problems and create none and at least you know you are starting from solid ground if you do have problems.
    A good many of the IPC problems cannot be fixed by doing a partial restorse so it's always handy and good housekeeping to keep a ISO disk with every console(well in my world anyway) no matter what,trying to download a 580+gb file in the middle of nowhere with no internet connection can be tricky at times.
    Just my way of doing things.

    Regards C
  • JT,

    Our testing has not found any problems with a partial restore, but we will check again too. It could be with your download or CD burn as well.
  • JT,

    There are a few things that can prevent the Hog iPC Configuration Panel from pulling the proper version information to display. It's almost certainly just a cosmetic issue, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As mentioned above, you could fix this problem by doing a full restore, but remember to back up your shows first.

    Just so everyone knows, we've mad a few minor driver and installer changes to the Hog iPC System Restore image and release 8.0.4 is now available for download from the www.flyingpig.com web site.
