Hog2 show files can be converted to Hog3, however you have to send the file to HES to be converted. I'm pretty sure this goes for Hog500/1000 files, since they are the same as a Hog2 file.
Scott is correct, we can convert Hog 2 show files to Wholehog 3 files. However there are some things that can not convert. If you are interested in learning more or having a file converted, please feel free to email me directly at brad_schiller (at) highend.com
Also please allow 2 weeks for a conversion... usually we get them done in a few days, but sometimes they can take a bit longer.
Any chance of you guys coming up with a way to convert macros and effects from Hog2 to Hog3 PC? We have an enormous amount of fountain shows that we run on Hog2 currently and we want to start programming new shows in Hog3 but there is no way to convert our old shows (Hog2) properly thus a catch-22! We spent a lot of time creating a wind matrix connected to a Crestron system and wind monitor that runs via macros. We also use effects almost exclusively in these shows in the cue programming. This seems like it should be a pretty simple thing to do...
If it is a show that must be converted for Hog II to Hog 3 email the show to Brad as he mentioned in the previous post. Due to the differences in the program some things may not be able to be converted. Granted the FX engine is different but I have had no problems getting the FX I want with a little practice and a firm understanding of groups and buddying. I have programed several shows on Hog 3 that use cuelist macros to trigger other cuelists that may have a special effect or an elaborate chase that you could never reproduce with a fx engine. Please give us a little more information about the issues you are having and the members of the forum and High End staff will certainly do our best at solving them.
The problem is that all of our cues use effects which do not convert correctly when transferred to Hog3, therefore no real point to converting them. We would basically have to reprogram the show anyway to replicate the effects. The wind macro issue is more of just a time consuming project than a real problem. I just wish there was a way to truthfully replicate the effects and macros when converting between the two programs.
The conversion process is a "simple" process that works for the majority of shows. Your show is a bit more complex in terms of the types of effects and unique macro functions that you guys have implemented. We are currently working on keystroke macros for the current Wholehog O/S, but I not sure how these will work with the conversion from Wholehog 2 macros (if at all).
There are large differences between Wholehog 2 and Wholehog 3 style show files and thus some items just are unable to be converted.