This can occur when the cue time is set to zero and you update without selecting "use T" from the masking toolbar. When you have the auto-update window open, try selecting "use T" to update the timing into your cue.
Put fixtures in a Postion and Colour (no intensity). Record as a 2s cue. Now put those same fixtures at full. Auto-update. Even though the default time for intensity is 2s and the cue time is 2s the intensity values for that cue will merge in as 0s. What's strange is that the cue editor shows that the intensity fade time is 2s but it certainly doesn't playback that way.
I am investigating this as I think it is similar to what Alegrandro was seeing.
Hi Crhis. Did a little bit of further digging and it's just like you said. If I open the cue editor after updating i can see I've got 2 sec for intensity but not in the cuelist spreadsheet. In the cue editor if I select fade cells and type in 2 sec again and update straight after then I have the intensity fade in time updated in the cuelist spreadsheet as well.
One workaround I've found is holding the update button down and select timing that for some strange reason is not selected. If I update this way then my default intens:hogsign: ity time is merged as expected!
Yeah guys, this is definitely strange and has earned itself a new defect. I have logged this as bug #11122. Thanks for the reports and the feedback. Our regression testing shows this bug has been occuring for several previous releases including 2.0.1, 2.1.0, and 2.2.1.