Two Hog on the same Network

A freind start a new tour next month and had choose two hog III, one for the moving lights and other one for video and Laser control.

He will use the two hog on the same network with the same show,
Is there a way to control just moving lights with hog 1 and just video and laser with hog II?
is there a way during the show to quickly control all with the same hog?This is his firts questions, i will come back soon :D

  • I have operated a show where we had a Hog 3 networked to a Ipc. I agree with Hilbilly you want to avoid using the programmer of the console that is acting as the sever during the show. While the 3 is VERY stable now this just makes it less likely that you will come agross a random problem that can crash the desk. I would recomend that you keep seperate pages fro each operator. If you are on the same page your fader position can affect the other user. I had this happen most often when one person changed pages faster. When the second person changed to that page if the fader values were different they took precidence. I would have moving lights on pages 1 -100 and video and lasers on pages 101-200. I would also have a laptop with the current show loaded (the save after the last focus) and widgets then a datlynx to swith all the unverses over to the backup. T his will save your butt if for some reason the power to FOH is lost. I would also make sure that their are 2 seperate circuits (on seperate phases of power, or house and generator) going to FOH for lighting. I have had people unplug FOH power from the PD or lose a hot leg. Check out this thread on backups from the lightnetwork as well.
  • I have operated a show where we had a Hog 3 networked to a Ipc. I agree with Hilbilly you want to avoid using the programmer of the console that is acting as the sever during the show. While the 3 is VERY stable now this just makes it less likely that you will come agross a random problem that can crash the desk. I would recomend that you keep seperate pages fro each operator. If you are on the same page your fader position can affect the other user. I had this happen most often when one person changed pages faster. When the second person changed to that page if the fader values were different they took precidence. I would have moving lights on pages 1 -100 and video and lasers on pages 101-200. I would also have a laptop with the current show loaded (the save after the last focus) and widgets then a datlynx to swith all the unverses over to the backup. T his will save your butt if for some reason the power to FOH is lost. I would also make sure that their are 2 seperate circuits (on seperate phases of power, or house and generator) going to FOH for lighting. I have had people unplug FOH power from the PD or lose a hot leg. Check out this thread on backups from the lightnetwork as well.
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