Two Hog on the same Network

A freind start a new tour next month and had choose two hog III, one for the moving lights and other one for video and Laser control.

He will use the two hog on the same network with the same show,
Is there a way to control just moving lights with hog 1 and just video and laser with hog II?
is there a way during the show to quickly control all with the same hog?This is his firts questions, i will come back soon :D

  • yes, you can do this.

    as an example, you are both able to control all fixtures all the time, it's just as easy as to choose to only program with movers on one desk, and the video on the other.. If you work on seperate pages, you'll be fine. And if you wan't control of the whole rig, with one desk, you can just fire a cue, that has the whole rig in it.
  • All will be on the same page (one page by song) to be able to use one or two hog.
    On this page he will have one cue list for Moving light, one for video and Laser.
    He will have 3 DPs 2 for moving lights 1 for video and Laser.
  • Steph,

    Keep in mind that the second console is only networked to the server console(1st Console). It will not store show info on it's hard drive. All data is saved on the server console. This is not the same as a backup console that can take over the show if console 1 goes down.
    You can run the show from either console, just remember that even if you run the show from the second console, it is getting its info from the first (server) console.
    Also, it's been my experience that patching addtions and changes should be made on the server console. I have had issues when messing with the patch on the second console.
  • I know that second console will not save the show but there will be two operateurs to program and play the show.

    So wath you said is yhat it woud be better to program the show on two hogs to have the same file and to play the show on too separate console with the same show and if there trouble on one i plug DP on other one?
  • When I set up a multi desk show (dual operators, or as a backup) I generally have the server desk just sitting there. I don't program or operate on it...all programming/playback takes place from a client desk. The server just sits there triggering output and saving the show. Most of the time if you were to have a crash, it would be related to some syntax that puts the desk in an odd state. By programming on the client desk, the server never sees any of this syntax and tends to be much more stable. I'll often run my laptop as a backup (non tracking) along with a DMX switch. If one desk goes down, flip a switch and the other (laptop) is up and running.

    For a multi desk show, there are a couple of ways to do it.

    You can do one cuelist per song and everything is triggered from that list. This method works great if there is one operator. If you are using multi operators and want to seperate out the cuelists for fixtures and lasers, I would probably do one page per song and inside each page, do a cuelist or two for fixtures and then a list for lasers. This would let two operators run their respective lists without interference from the each other. Another method would be if you started with two operators and then when to a single operator. I would stick with the one page per song method with seperate cuelists and then add a macro in the main cuelist to fire other lists.

    I've used each of these methods in various situations and they all work fine. It just depends on how you want to set it up.
  • So, all DPs are on server, and every opĂ©rateurs can change every fixtures?

    Could be great to have 1 server and 2 clients (for example) and each client can use a part of fixture but not all or/and a part of submaters.
  • Yes, all DP's are on the server, and every operator can access all fixtures. On one show I and the other operator were programming the same fixture at the same time into seperate cuelists. I was working on a color chase, and he was doing pan/tilt work.

    Currently, you cannot have access levels as to who can and cannot control different areas of the desk or fixtures. This is a feature that will most likely show up on a future release.
  • thanks to all i will have a meeting next week, i will be back with new questions!
  • On a related note:

    Has anyone experimented with using a switch that can act as a DHCP server?

    I was running into some TCP/IP quirks on a recent show and it made me wonder if there would be an advantage in having NONE of the consoles responsible for IP address assignments on the network.

    There may be absolutely no validity to this.

    Any thoughts or comments?

  • As for running a back up I never use networking this has hosed me in the passed the only save way is midi and datalinks I have had a console crash
    and lock up the hole deal in frount of 10k pissed off punnters
    every one dose things diffrent that's my way

    thats the grate thing about the H3 there are many differnt ways just find what right for you
  • [QUOTE=z6p6tist6]On a related note:

    Has anyone experimented with using a switch that can act as a DHCP server?

    I was running into some TCP/IP quirks on a recent show and it made me wonder if there would be an advantage in having NONE of the consoles responsible for IP address assignments on the network.

    There may be absolutely no validity to this.

    Any thoughts or comments?

    Hey Phil-

    I usually do this just to save the console from having to run another process.

    I've used a couple different types, and have come up with different results- and off the shelf linksys will work, but i have managed to crash them with an attached laptop stalling on the network, leaving the console useless until reboot. This was also a few versions ago, and an older linksys, so take it for what it's worth.

    What I've found best is a commercial grade switch (usually anything you can throw into a rack) and then if you choose to add wireless, just add an access point into the system. The fewer tasks any one piece has to perform on the network, the much more stable it should be.
  • I have operated a show where we had a Hog 3 networked to a Ipc. I agree with Hilbilly you want to avoid using the programmer of the console that is acting as the sever during the show. While the 3 is VERY stable now this just makes it less likely that you will come agross a random problem that can crash the desk. I would recomend that you keep seperate pages fro each operator. If you are on the same page your fader position can affect the other user. I had this happen most often when one person changed pages faster. When the second person changed to that page if the fader values were different they took precidence. I would have moving lights on pages 1 -100 and video and lasers on pages 101-200. I would also have a laptop with the current show loaded (the save after the last focus) and widgets then a datlynx to swith all the unverses over to the backup. T his will save your butt if for some reason the power to FOH is lost. I would also make sure that their are 2 seperate circuits (on seperate phases of power, or house and generator) going to FOH for lighting. I have had people unplug FOH power from the PD or lose a hot leg. Check out this thread on backups from the lightnetwork as well.
  • Hi,
    In the case of 2 desks and 1 server, is ther a quickest way to have a sync between pages (when i change page on one desk it will change it to all) than macro CPxh1:CPxh2:CPxh3?
  • Steph,

    Multiple clients on the same network aren't "forced" to be on the same page. This offers the operator(s) the flexibility of being able to have more playbacks available at a single time. If you want to ensure that your consoles are on the same page, using page change macros will probably be easiest. If you're done programming, one other option would be to link them using MSC, rather than networking. MSC commands from the master console would send the slave console(s) to the same page. This would, however, mean that you'd have to designate a console as the master, which would control which page all other consoles are on.