iPC 3rd Touchscreen issue

Hi All,

Hog iPC
XPe Image 8.0.5

I've read other threads on this but I need to throw my hat in to the ring. My 3rd Mnitor, (an ELO 17" touchscreen) connected to the DVI output using a DVI to VGA adapter loses it's touch capability shortly after it's been configured. I've tried the workarounds noted in other threads to get the monitor to function and for the most part that works. I get display. I can move windows in and out of it. I get touch response and can select using the mouse. Within minutes, 3 or less, it loses it's touch. Display remains and I can move windows and use the mouse but, no touch. Also, in Control Panel>Displays the 3rd monitor disppears from the monitor list. Ideally, It should work all the time every time, no? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Hi

    I can confirm cormacjack's thoughts. The bug with the XPE Image and the type of motherboard is known, you have,to get it working, to put the screen while the desk is booted.
    But I never tried a touchscreen, so my guess is too, that there is a problem with the touchscreen, already tried to use it as primary or secondary screen ?
    But then again, the touchsensors give their information via the usb cable, where the screen issue itself is in the graphics adapter initialisation.

    Maybe another USB port to try the screen, or swap the usb ports of the primary screen and the third one. But this seems to be an issue of the elo itself. But if you unplug primary display and usb and replace this one by the 3rd screen, You will see if it is the 3rd screen or something software based.

    While waiting for the update of the XPe image for this version of the motherboard, you will anyhow have to keep on plugging/unplugging the screens during reboot.

    Good Luck anyhow :)

  • Hi

    I can confirm cormacjack's thoughts. The bug with the XPE Image and the type of motherboard is known, you have,to get it working, to put the screen while the desk is booted.
    But I never tried a touchscreen, so my guess is too, that there is a problem with the touchscreen, already tried to use it as primary or secondary screen ?
    But then again, the touchsensors give their information via the usb cable, where the screen issue itself is in the graphics adapter initialisation.

    Maybe another USB port to try the screen, or swap the usb ports of the primary screen and the third one. But this seems to be an issue of the elo itself. But if you unplug primary display and usb and replace this one by the 3rd screen, You will see if it is the 3rd screen or something software based.

    While waiting for the update of the XPe image for this version of the motherboard, you will anyhow have to keep on plugging/unplugging the screens during reboot.

    Good Luck anyhow :)

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