Over the last coupple of weeks, i've had some crashes on the roadhog, and the 3pc.. Every now and then when i open the paatchwindow, the desktop crashes, and becomes black.. i can restart the desktop, so it's not a big issue.. It happens the moment i press "patch".. never the first time, but after i've been into the patch window and repatched/removed/added something a coupple of times.. No error message. I think it came with 2.2.2. it's been happening with different shows, different consoles.
Do you notice this happening more frequently when certain windows are open as you open the patch window? Casual crashing when opening the patch window is a major issue that we need to track down as soon as possible. Anders, the next time you get this to happen please be sure to get the dmp file from the logs folder and upload it to us. Those files take a lot of guess work out of these random/hard to find crashes. Thanks for your report and hard work.
can you ask BRAD about a Show File i sent him, with Problems in the Patch window on a IPC, i think you might have looked at this a few weeks ago. Highlight in Patch and general console locking up in Patch after going in and out of the patch window and Changing fixture types.
Thanks, i will resend the Show file if you cant find it.
I think we are getting this to repro consitently here in Austin now. I will update this thread with bug information when we get it all squared away here in a few minutes.
Looks like this is a PC only bug. We can reproduce this issue by sitting down on an iPC or RoadHog and openning the patch window several times in a row. We have logged bug #11220 to deal with this. Thanks for the report Anders. This looks like a 2.2.2 regression and a release blocker for our next software release.