Just a qustion, is this normal when I pig +park from the parked window for the Object Changed window to pop up asking Park has been changed byanother operation would you like to Ignore or Reload :dunce:
4663 [pig] + [park] does not work correctly all the time 6265 Parking will park everything in the programmer, but only remove selected 10984 Auto-Update selections can get into an odd state. 11357 Unpark is Broken in v2.3.0 11358 Hog iPC monitor configuration problem on certain motherboards 11359 MAC Address display in console Network window invalid 11360 Unparking should bring parked values into the editor 11361 Auto-Update does not allow cues/palettes to be deselected 11364 Console monitors get swapped when keyboard layout is changed with external monitors enabled 11365 Parked editor should not be able to be auto-updated 11368 Chinese Fonts incorrect on XPe builds
4663 [pig] + [park] does not work correctly all the time 6265 Parking will park everything in the programmer, but only remove selected 10984 Auto-Update selections can get into an odd state. 11357 Unpark is Broken in v2.3.0 11358 Hog iPC monitor configuration problem on certain motherboards 11359 MAC Address display in console Network window invalid 11360 Unparking should bring parked values into the editor 11361 Auto-Update does not allow cues/palettes to be deselected 11364 Console monitors get swapped when keyboard layout is changed with external monitors enabled 11365 Parked editor should not be able to be auto-updated 11368 Chinese Fonts incorrect on XPe builds