Virtual cuelist help

Can any one tell me how i can setup my virtual cues to start and stop when i touch them on the screen?


Steve Jarden
  • Depending on what you have in the cuelists, you can turn them off and on a couple of ways.

    If it's a single cue, you can add a release cue at the end.
    You can hold down the button and press the release button on the console (mentioned above)
    You can write a second "list" directly below the running list with a RLXXX comment macro.

    How I set mine up is each row has 12 lists. 1-11 are actual lists. List 12 (last one in the row) is a "RELEASE THIS LINE" list with a comment macro to release lists XXX-YYY. On top of that, I also have on lists 13-23 individual lists to release the one directly above it.

    List 13 releases List 1, List 14 releases List 2 and so on.

    Hopefully that makes sense. If not, let me know and I can take a screen shot showing you how mine are setup.

  • Depending on what you have in the cuelists, you can turn them off and on a couple of ways.

    If it's a single cue, you can add a release cue at the end.
    You can hold down the button and press the release button on the console (mentioned above)
    You can write a second "list" directly below the running list with a RLXXX comment macro.

    How I set mine up is each row has 12 lists. 1-11 are actual lists. List 12 (last one in the row) is a "RELEASE THIS LINE" list with a comment macro to release lists XXX-YYY. On top of that, I also have on lists 13-23 individual lists to release the one directly above it.

    List 13 releases List 1, List 14 releases List 2 and so on.

    Hopefully that makes sense. If not, let me know and I can take a screen shot showing you how mine are setup.

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