(1932)Bug Report: Masters switch to release

Software Version and build number: iPC / Hog3 v2.3.0
with XPe Image (the one before) 8.1.0 from January 8, 2008
Number of displays: no externals
Connected USB Devices: 1x miniwing

Hey there

while being bored in the standby time i noticed something really strange.
all the cuelists on the main playbackbar programmed at this time suddenly began switching to off state and back to their normal state in a random pattern.
masters 2>6 were set to cue1 (all LTP at this time) - master1=GM - but they randomly began jumping between (...) and cue1. GM was not influenced. i didnt watched the cuelistview so i can´t tell if it happend there too.
The good thing was that it didn´t changed the output values. on stage everthing was ok. this happend a few times and i´m pretty shure that i didn´t touched the console in this moments. and i have no idea what could be the trigger.
during the following programming everything was fine and the problem dind´t show up till the end. it was not reproducable.

back home i also tried to reproduce it on my private pc with Hog 3PC
.. nothing

i read someting about HTP faders getting stucked in a thread. this also happend to me the next day.
i wanted to merge intensitys of generics to a cue but it didn´t work. pushing up the HTP fader the cue didn´t change. i trying to replace the cue also didn´t work. even when i deleted the cue out of the list it was the same result again. an error massage showed up: something like server busy.. first when i deleted the cuelist from the master and put the empty list back on i could record a cue in a normal way.

hope this helps to find the bug that really made me feel uncomfortable this evening

  • i uploaded the showfile!

    i recognised a mistake in my post. the buildnumber was 1928 and not 1932 as described in the title.
    i forgot to mention that i restarted the desktop a few times without any result. also i didn´t shut down or reboot the console until the end of working. the next day everything exept of the HTP error worked fine.
    the showfile that i send you is the latest backup that i made. unfortunatly i didn´t made a backup when the error occured, cause i didn´t know that you may need it.
    the the masters 2>6 are now HTP masters.

  • i uploaded the showfile!

    i recognised a mistake in my post. the buildnumber was 1928 and not 1932 as described in the title.
    i forgot to mention that i restarted the desktop a few times without any result. also i didn´t shut down or reboot the console until the end of working. the next day everything exept of the HTP error worked fine.
    the showfile that i send you is the latest backup that i made. unfortunatly i didn´t made a backup when the error occured, cause i didn´t know that you may need it.
    the the masters 2>6 are now HTP masters.

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