iPC Restore without external keyboard

So, I'm trying to restore an iPC with the newest image, but I don't have an external keyboard handy. I had kind of assumed that I could press any key on the front panel to get into the restore CD, but that doesn't seem to be working.

Is there a way to restore the console from the restore CD without having a keyboard attached?

  • [quote=z6p6tist6]Don't know how it could be done, but this would be incredibly helpful.

    Hey Phil,

    I believe the only way to do this is to somehow modify the BIOS defaults, which would require that each of the motherboard manufacturers to write custom code for HES/FPS.

    I feel your pain brother, but I wouldn't expect to see this happen anytime soon if ever.....

    FYI - you will have the same issue on RoadHog or RoadHog-FB when doing full install regardless of using bootable USB or CD.

    For this reason I have learned to make a USB keyboard a requirement for an iPC, RH, or RHFB when renting from any company.
  • [quote=z6p6tist6]Don't know how it could be done, but this would be incredibly helpful.

    Hey Phil,

    I believe the only way to do this is to somehow modify the BIOS defaults, which would require that each of the motherboard manufacturers to write custom code for HES/FPS.

    I feel your pain brother, but I wouldn't expect to see this happen anytime soon if ever.....

    FYI - you will have the same issue on RoadHog or RoadHog-FB when doing full install regardless of using bootable USB or CD.

    For this reason I have learned to make a USB keyboard a requirement for an iPC, RH, or RHFB when renting from any company.
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