iPC Restore without external keyboard

So, I'm trying to restore an iPC with the newest image, but I don't have an external keyboard handy. I had kind of assumed that I could press any key on the front panel to get into the restore CD, but that doesn't seem to be working.

Is there a way to restore the console from the restore CD without having a keyboard attached?

  • You must have an external keyboard.

    The iPC Front Panel gets its firmware from the operating system, so it's a classic chicken/egg scenario. The Front Panel can't process a keypress until the OS is installed, and the OS can't be installed until a key is pressed.

    The advantage is that the Front Panel always has the latest firmware, so you don't have to upgrade it when new versions come out.
  • Well, I would definitely like to request a Feature Request to have a way to initiate a console restore without an external keyboard.

    Don't know how it could be done, but this would be incredibly helpful.


  • I agree,
    I know in an ideal world you get an external keyboard with every IPC or console that requires it but it is not always the case.
    Would it be possible to map a few commands to the trackball buttons during the boot sequence only or am i reading Eric's previous post and ignoring it......

  • [quote=z6p6tist6]Don't know how it could be done, but this would be incredibly helpful.

    Hey Phil,

    I believe the only way to do this is to somehow modify the BIOS defaults, which would require that each of the motherboard manufacturers to write custom code for HES/FPS.

    I feel your pain brother, but I wouldn't expect to see this happen anytime soon if ever.....

    FYI - you will have the same issue on RoadHog or RoadHog-FB when doing full install regardless of using bootable USB or CD.

    For this reason I have learned to make a USB keyboard a requirement for an iPC, RH, or RHFB when renting from any company.
  • > Would it be possible to map a few commands to the
    > trackball buttons during the boot sequence only

    The front Panel has no brain until the OS gives it the firmware to run. The only thing it can do is sit there and look pretty until the OS is up and running.

    For Roadhog, we did discuss making it automatically re-install if the installer was detected on startup. That was deemed far to risky because if someone left the install CD in the drive, it would wipe their console on the next boot. This could be disasterous if you had a power outage during programming.
  • Ok,
    what about an ISO disc that will install automatically without the keyboard prompt available as an alternative download option?
    Would it be possible to have a prompt file available only on a USB stick or similar a bit like the prefs for Hog III DL-2 or is this still chicken V egg .
    So you would have to have the prompt file and the iso in the console at the same time to avoid any nasty stuff.

    thanks C
  • There's a lot of things we could do, but any mechanism that can wipe a console without user intervention carries a degree of risk.

    For iPC and RoadHog, it's generally a good idea to keep a keyboard with you anyway. There are a couple of other error conditions where having a keyboard will help get you out of a bind.

    I agree that it's sub-optimal. We've eliminated the vast majority of these cases that require a keyboard, but there are still a few left. Don't even get me started on what we go through with BIOS for the XPe based consoles.
  • This all makes sense Eric. It's obviously not a regular problem, and I've been properly chided by Brad for not having a keyboard in my (ever-growing) bag at all times.

    Of course, if a brilliant solution presents itself at some point, I think it would be swell.


    Have a great day, and thanks - as always - for the informative feedback. I know that everyone in the community appreciates how much you and the entire Hog team work to be available to and forthright with the end users.

